
It's important to take advantage of all the help available. Don't let false pride get in the way of accepting money, taking advice or applying for aid. If you want to advance your education, apply for scholarships. This will involve filling out lots of paperwork, but your efforts will pay off. Do you want to buy a home? A generous relative will give you the money for a deposit or new domestic appliances. Accept their help with an open heart. Stop clinging so stubbornly to your independent ways.

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You feel left out in the cold. Although you crave romance, nobody seems to see you seriously as a partner. Maybe that's because you've been underplaying your most attractive qualities. Make more of an effort to look your best. Choose clothes that flatter your complexion and enhance your best features. If you're not sure where to start, ask a stylish Libra or Pisces for help. If you're in a serious relationship, start planning intimate evenings together. Make your needs known to your amour.

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Holding too tightly to a situation is a recipe for disaster. The only thing inevitable in life is change. If someone is leaving your midst or a job is coming to an end, accept it gracefully. A better opportunity will arrive as long as you're alert. Going on a short trip can be helpful. Getting a change of scenery will make you aware of problems you've been underplaying for years. Now you can make a fresh start. The best is yet to be.

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Instead of taking the easy way out, you should find a more permanent and productive solution. Your hard work and diligence will pay off. Right now, it seems like nobody appreciates your efforts. That's not the case. Everyone is simply too busy with their own duties to pay attention to the big picture. Once you strike upon a better system, you'll get the fame and acclaim you desire. You might even be assigned to a better division. Don't fall victim to despair.

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It's time to take some jobs from your plate. You're trying to do too much with limited resources. Delegate jobs to relatives, roommates and colleagues. There's no reason you should continue to stagger beneath this monumental workload. If your boss thinks you are exaggerating, invite them to look over a list of your duties. Resist the temptation to quit a steady position. It will take time to find other employment, but the sooner you get started, the faster you will reach your goal.

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Stop worrying about money. You have everything you require to survive. Instead of focusing on lack, concentrate on your blessings. They can be material or spiritual. Get into the habit of making a gratitude list each day. This will quiet anxious thoughts that are poisoning life. You'll also become a more attentive friend and romantic partner when you adopt a more positive outlook. Nothing attracts financial opportunity like optimism. Simply smiling at someone could lead to a wonderful job offer.

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Resist the temptation to neglect a thankless work assignment. If you drop the ball, you'll cause problems for innocent victims. It's understandable a capable person like you wants an interesting job. The best way to accomplish this goal is to look for another position in your spare time. You might have to work as an apprentice for a talented artist or executive, but that will change as you gain experience. Anything worth doing involves sacrifice. Push yourself to do better.

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You're sorely tempted to take time off work, just to avoid an unpleasant colleague. Instead of wasting valuable leave, it's better to plan enjoyable outings after hours. Being more mindful about your free time will prompt you to spend it more wisely. Having fun when you're not at work will prompt you to find a better job. You'll finally find the energy to update your CV, gather your references and compile compelling work samples. Don't be surprised if the perfect opportunity comes along soon.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Beware of resting on your laurels. Your success is dependent on others. If you have recently received a windfall, think about donating some of the money to charity. Start working at a volunteer organisation. Find ways to help neighbours who are struggling. By sharing your bounty, it will multiply. You won't even notice the dent your donations make. You'll just feel connected to the world in a meaningful way. Generate abundance. It's so much more rewarding than being selfish.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Although it pains you to do so, it's time to get back to work. Doing the bare minimum will backfire. Your relatives and colleagues need your input. It won't be possible to phone in a job; you'll have to take a hands on approach. If you see someone making mistakes, be gentle. Demonstrate the proper way of doing things and then check their progress at the end of the day. Offer to work with them regularly if they are still struggling. You have the capacity to be an encouraging mentor.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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To get ahead, you must pay your dues. There are no shortcuts. Demanding special treatment will only cause resentment. When given unpleasant jobs, dispatch them as cheerfully and efficiently as possible. Assuming a positive attitude will pave the way for better assignments. Resist the temptation to complain. Everybody has to start at the bottom. Those who are given exalted positions out of nepotism usually fail quickly, anyway. Treat every job as a learning experience.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Instead of endlessly weighing your options, make a move. If you continue to tread water, rivals will surpass you. It would be a shame to miss a perfect job opportunity because you were indecisive. Stop worrying about whether you have the talent and experience to handle certain duties. Most people learn as they go along. Allow yourself to make mistakes in the early stages. That's just part of the process of becoming an expert. Colleagues will come forward to help when you hit a dead end.

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