
Although you appreciate the good life, you must guard against excessive revelry today. Keep your spending to a minimum. Beware of eating too much rich food. Above all, try not to indulge a wilful child. If you exercise restraint, your young friend will follow suit. Being a good role model is more important than catering to their every whim. Besides, you have lots of work to do, and can't afford to squander time, money, or energy.

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You're very grateful for all your family has done for you, but need to break free of their constraints. Doing things to please yourself is more important than meeting with your kin's approval. Yes, your behaviour will draw plenty of criticism. That doesn't mean you should take these comments to heart. The less bothered you seem by these remarks, the less likely your relatives will persist in making them.

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Keeping a low profile will be difficult because so many people around you are trying your patience. Resist the urge to lash out at a neighbour or relative who is taunting you with their bad behaviour. These people are only acting up as a means to get your attention. Once they see that you are immune to their manipulations, they'll look for another victim. In the meantime, you could benefit from some solitude.

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You're feeling terrifically optimistic, but shouldn't lose sight of certain financial practicalities. Establish a habit whereby you put a certain amount of your income into savings each week. If you already have an investment portfolio, you will want to branch out a bit more. And if your cash flow isn't what you'd like, it could be time to get a second job. Protect yourself from an uncertain economy; you can't be too safe.

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You can accomplish a great deal today, provided you are self-disciplined. Don't let an authority figure's encouragement lull you into a false sense of security. Instead, redouble your efforts to climb the ladder of success. You can't afford to slack off when so many rivals are eager to take your place. Take care to keep your emotions under control, especially when you feel as though you're being unfairly criticised.

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Building your self-confidence can result in some exciting developments on the education front. You have a lot to offer, especially where knowledge is concerned. Teaching, writing, and lecturing are all ways you can make a respected name for yourself. If you're already involved in any of these areas, you can achieve even more success by tackling subjects you previously avoided. Just make a proposal to the powers-that-be; your suggestions will be welcomed.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You will be overly concerned with security right now; what you really need is adventure. Seeking a loved one's protection will prevent you from experiencing some serious thrills. Venture out into unfamiliar territory without the help of an escort. Doing things on your own terms will give you a sense of your personal power. Contrary to what you believe, you're extremely capable of coping with challenges. Leave the safety of home for more mysterious paths.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Authority figures and romantic partners alike are difficult to please right now. You simply can't devote enough time to both your public and private lives. Setting your priorities will prevent you from feeling pulled apart at the seams. Yes, your decision will disappoint somebody, but that's better than making everyone miserable. If you're single, it may be because you're entirely focused on your career. Consider whether you want this state of affairs to continue.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Although you want to be innovative, the powers-that-be expect you to carry out orders. This can be extremely frustrating for a free spirit like you. The best way around this situation is to devote your leisure time to projects that have personal meaning for you. Let your anger be the catalyst for something beautiful. Your renewed spirit will be evident to all you meet. Don't be surprised if a romance is rekindled as a result.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It will be impossible to meet somebody else's needs while satisfying your own. Go ahead and be selfish; it will be a refreshing change. Normally, you're willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the group. If you continue to do this, however, your ego will rebel. It's not good to continually deny yourself of small pleasures. Devote the day to activities you enjoy and refuse to feel guilty. You deserve a break.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're a little detached from your relatives, which can compromise intimate relationships. Having a devoted family base will enable you to take bold risks with a business or romantic partner. If you have good reasons for maintaining distance from your kin, it may be wise to join a support group of some kind. That way, you can confer with them when you need reassurance or advice. Never fear; you can still retain your independence.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Going out of your way to do favours for others isn't the best way to win their respect. Start making demands of your own. Otherwise, neighbours, relatives, and colleagues will continue to use you in cynical ways. Establishing a pleasant daily routine will make you more mindful of what you need to thrive. Start casting off jobs and responsibilities that drain you of valuable energy. You've got to be your own advocate.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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