
This is not a good time to take risks with finances. Do plenty of research before investing money in a company. Emptying out your savings account to help a friend could be disastrous. Err on the side of caution when it comes to cash. It is wise to keep plenty of money in savings. This will allow you to take care of an unforeseen emergency. Don't pretend to know the answers to questions at work. Ask for some time to do research into the matter. Accuracy is important.

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Dealing with a former business or romantic partner will be stressful. You're tired of being the one who always has to compromise. Put your foot down and refuse to budge. It may be necessary to file a lawsuit or get some legal representation. Don't exaggerate claims. Simply give the dates, times and as much physical evidence as you can. If there are witnesses to an encounter, be sure you get them to back you up. It's time to show them you won't put up with their nonsense any longer.

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It's time to reassess your daily schedule. A routine that worked a few months ago is no longer practical. Make adjustments wherever necessary. Some people will be disappointed they are no longer a priority. Be honest about your emerging responsibilities. You should be spending more time on the people and activities that replenish your energy. Thankless tasks and toxic individuals should be avoided. Life is too short to spend on inconsequential tasks. Return to a frustrating art project.

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An impressionable youngster is following in your footsteps. It's important to lead by example. When you make mistakes, admit them. Apologise for what you've done and correct your behaviour. Nobody is perfect. If you've been restless, return to a hobby or sport you enjoyed when you were young. You'll be taken aback at how much pleasure this activity brings. Now you're older, you have more control over your free time. Rearrange your schedule so there is time for leisurely pursuits.

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You will have to replace some outworn or broken appliances. If you have to buy something on credit, pay it off as quickly as possible. Some stores offer interest free credit cards. Take advantage of such a deal, as it will save you a significant amount of money. An older relative may clarify some confusion about your family's past. It will be a relief to finally learn the truth. Unpleasant working conditions won't be addressed until you apply for help several times.

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You will revise some opinions you've held for a long time. A compelling person's story makes you realise there are aspects of a situation you hadn't considered before. You will become less rigid with people who previously angered you. It's also possible you will take a firmer stance with those who have been bending the rules. A manipulative charmer will be surprised when you won't grant them favours any longer. It's time for this con artist to play by the rules, just like everyone else must.

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Adjust your spending and saving habits. Be more conservative about what you buy. Resist the urge to splurge, especially on impulse purchases near the counter. If you want to read the latest magazines, you can always go to the library. Make it your mission to save as much of your hard earned money as possible. Adding to a nest egg will be a labour of love. As the balance mounts, you can make plans to buy a house or car.

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Altering your approach to problems can bring relief. You realise your current methods are not working. That's half the battle. Take this opportunity to experiment with different ways of coping with problems. Model your behaviour after an older colleague or relative whom you admire. Their attitude will be counterintuitive at first. The more you put it into effect, the more successful you will become. Soon, this approach will be your immediate response to problems.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Secrets will come to light. Deep down inside, you knew there was more to a story that you were told. Let this be a lesson about following your intuition. When you sense something isn't quite right, stop what you're doing. Focus on the matter to pinpoint the problem. Whether it's somebody who makes you uncomfortable with inappropriate remarks or a proposed arrangement that doesn't seem quite honest, speak up. This will stop you becoming the unwilling victim of a manipulator.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An old friend will contact you out of the blue. It will be nice to reconnect after all this time. If you want to take some time off, notify your supervisor as soon as possible. Your request may not be granted, due to a staffing shortage. Resist the urge to try to sweet talk your boss into changing their mind. They'll resent your refusal to take no for an answer. Back off and be respectful of their decision. The decision could be overturned when more workers are hired.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There's no harm in changing career plans. If you don't like the direction your current industry is going, explore your options. You might want to get into an emerging field where there is lots of job growth. Alternatively, you might decide to retire early or go back into the classroom. Think of what kind of work you'd like to perform in a five years and adjust your course. Meeting with a career counsellor can also be helpful. They may have suggestions that wouldn't have occurred to you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Returning to a place you visited long ago is in the cards. Your memories of this land fill you with nostalgia. It will be interesting what your perceptions are on this second visit. Take a notebook with you. Write down all of your impressions. You can turn these thoughts into a book or screenplay. A friend will ask you for money. Prepare to say no. You need to have as much cash as possible in reserve. An unexpected expense is about to crop up.

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