
Friends are being pushy. You don't like being told what to do. It will take all your strength to keep your anger in check. Make it clear that you have no intention of being pressured into a decision. Take your time, weigh your options and trust your intuition. That way, you won't have any regrets. If things don't work out the way you expected, you can make alterations later. Take things one step at a time and don't get drawn into dramatic power struggles.

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Your employer will ask you to do something that is upsetting. You'll have to defend your principles, even if it means getting in trouble. If you can't cope with the stress of this job, look for another position. Your ability to put people at ease is a desirable skill. Be sure to emphasise it during job interviews. If you don't draw attention to your accomplishments, you will be passed over for a lesser candidate. Be your own advocate and showcase your strengths.

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Do not feel defensive if you're out of your depth. Nobody can be expected to do a good job without the necessary training. If someone continually tries to make you feel inferior, be ready to defend yourself. Explain the situation calmly and logically. This will make your detractor look petty and foolish. Someone who has experience will come forward and offer the assistance you need. At that point, you won't have to rely on anyone else. Look for opportunities to teach others.

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Someone will test your boundaries. Prepare to defend them. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about maintaining your distance. It's entirely up to you whether you want to divulge information, go on a date or lend money. Anyone who puts undue pressure on you is an opportunist who should be avoided. If you get a raise or land a well paid job, tell only your closest friends and relatives. Spreading the word could cause spongers to come out of the woodwork.

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You don't feel like you have any power in a relationship. It's been tiresome deferring to your romantic or business partner all the time. Stand up for your rights, even if a loud argument ensues. You have a desire for pleasure that cannot be denied. Although you shouldn't put yourself in financial jeopardy, it's important to occasionally enjoy some creature comforts. Take this opportunity to spoil yourself with a new outfit, spa treatment or concert tickets. You're long overdue for a treat.

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Burning the candle at both ends is compromising your health. You've always been the most capable person in your organisation. Now everyone expects you to pick up their slack. This situation can no longer continue. Have an honest talk with your employer. Explain the pressure you experience on a daily basis. If they won't come to your aid, you may want to take an extended holiday. Choose a distant destination where you won't be bothered by incessant phone calls and emails.

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You get irritable when you aren't able to do what you want. Unfortunately, responsibility trumps fun. You have to deliver on a promise or a friendship could go south. This could put a dent in your love life. A romantic interest who was intent on spending some time with you will be disappointed. It can't be helped. You have to stop spreading yourself so thin. Stop agreeing to every request for help. Try factoring more free time into your schedule.

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Pressure from family is creating trouble. You should stand up to a pushy relative who doesn't listen. Instead of agreeing to their demands, make a few of your own. You have a right to be heard. Pursuing a career in a glamorous field won't be easy, but it's worth your time and effort. You don't want to be stuck in some boring job where you can't use your brains and charisma. If anyone objects to your plans, keep them at arm's length.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Someone will say something in anger that is really upsetting. Control your temper and don't take the bait. If others see you reacting to this situation in a calm, graceful fashion, your stature will rise. You might even get chosen to go on a glamorous business trip. Your employer takes comfort in the knowledge you are able to handle all sorts of pressure. As a result, you'll be rewarded with the best assignments. If you're unemployed, seek a position at a company that is based overseas.

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This isn't a good time to splash out on expensive merchandise. It's better to be frugal with your budget. The more money you have in reserve, the easier it will be to cover emergency expenses. If you're in a relationship, your partner may be worried about your financial future. Sit down and review the situation. You may want to meet with a money manager. Getting an impartial third party involved will reduce the friction and help you to formulate a plan together.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're anxious to get started on a project, but your partner is dragging their feet. The more you push, the greater their resistance will be. It's better to make a strategic retreat. Occupy yourself with small tasks that need your attention. By the time you finish they will have made their decision. It may not be the one you want, but at least you can quickly put another plan together. It's sometimes hard being tied to another person, but the benefits outweigh the setbacks.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Hidden fears are coming to the surface. You shouldn't let them get in the way of your progress. If you have an opportunity to acquire skills, take it. Don't worry about looking foolish. Everyone makes mistakes as a beginner. The important thing is to demonstrate a willingness to grow and change. When your employer sees this 'Can Do' attitude, you'll be given more rewarding assignments. You have to take the initiative in the professional realm. Don't let less capable rivals steal your thunder.

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