
Don't give friends too much power over personal decisions. Although you care about their opinions, you have different needs from theirs. An adventurer like you shouldn't make conservative decisions about money, love and art. Living on the edge brings out the best in you. When it comes to relationship, keep your lustful side in check. What you thought was a casual fling will turn into something more than you bargained for. When in doubt, opt for an old-fashioned courtship instead of an impulsive hook-up.

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Work is a source of strain. You're tired of having all your activities examined under a microscope. If your employer doesn't trust you, it may be time to move on. Look for a company that is famous for treating its staff well. Your best friend or romantic partner will fall through on a promise. It's hard not to dwell on your disappointment. Let this be a lesson about putting your faith in flaky people. Don't rely on them to help with demanding projects or show up for important occasions.

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It won't be possible to expand your horizons. Small responsibilities continue to demand your attention. Postpone a trip or programme of study for another time. Right now, you must take care of an ailing animal or relative. Rise to the challenge. Overdoing it with sugar and fat will be a source of regret. When it comes to nourishing your body, choose the best grade fuel possible. You'll get more mileage from fresh produce, lean protein and whole grains than junk food.

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You may not have the funds to cover an emergency expense. Let this be a teaching moment. Look for ways to increase your income, even if it means relocating or changing industries. The old way of doing things no longer works. Indulging a vice will be cause for regret. If you're tempted to binge, stop what you're doing. Breathe deeply. Imagine yourself feeling safe and happy. Soon, your craving will subside, only to be replaced by contentment. The best way to change your life is to change your thinking.

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Pouring all your energy into a relationship hasn't been rewarding. Instead of being appreciated by your other half, you feel resented. It's time to turn your attention inward. Treat yourself like royalty, even if it means spending less time with your amour. Your family isn't the best source of feedback. If you want your work to be fairly assessed, talk to a fellow professional that you respect. Their constructive criticism will allow you to turn a good project into a great one.

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A routine has become a terrible grind. It's time to switch things up a little, even if it means temporarily neglecting some duties. Taking a short trip will be just what the doctor ordered. Visit an old friend whose upbeat energy is infectious. Beware of giving too much information away to a nosy relative or neighbour. If someone asks pointed questions, tell them to go away. There's no reason you should feel pressured to discuss your personal life with a probing gossip.

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A creative project has hit a snag. Rather than trying to force a breakthrough, occupy yourself with domestic duties. Inspiration will strike while you're chopping vegetables, folding laundry or taking out the rubbish. When you distract your front brain, your subconscious is free to play. This isn't a good time to indulge in retail therapy. Instead of spending money on an expensive outfit, go through your closet. Donate anything you haven't worn in a year. Keep only the pieces that uplift and inspire you.

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Home life has become a bore. You're ready to spread your wings and fly. Planning a trip will be a welcome distraction from family time. Give yourself permission to take a solitary holiday. You're long overdue for a relaxing break. Don't exaggerate your abilities. If you've overwhelmed, ask for help. Delegate household responsibilities to relatives or roommates. If you live by yourself, think about hiring a cleaning service. Treat the expense as an investment in your happiness. Give yourself the gift of leisure.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have a reputation for being brutally honest. Although you take pride in telling the truth, you should beware of hurting people's feelings. You can deliver criticism without resorting to insults. Better yet, it's possible to maintain a tactful silence rather than speaking up. Don't let your imagination run away with you. If you're about to make a change, assume everything will work to your advantage. Adopting a positive attitude is the best way to attract love, luck and money.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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After doing extensive price comparisons, you will conclude that a purchase will be expensive, no matter where you shop. You might as well get the best model, since you're shelling out so much money. Stop feeling guilty for being extravagant; you've done your due diligence. Friends are making too many demands on you. Instead of agreeing to attend every party, be more selective about accepting invitations. Set aside a few nights each week for solitary activities. You'll benefit from some quiet time.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Everybody is tugging at your sleeve, wanting to know your opinion. You wish people would have the courage of their convictions, but they don't. You're the rare person who doesn't need other people's approval. That's why your nearest and dearest treat you like a superhero. Work is draining your energy. Instead of spending long hours at the office, go home when the day is officially over. Spend quality time with someone who feels neglected. It's time to strike a better balance between your personal and professional lives.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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The last thing you want is to be dragged into the spotlight, but that's what is happening. People realise they can't perform certain tasks without you. As a result, everyone is clamouring for your attention. There are worse fates; at least you're in demand. It may be necessary to cancel a trip or class. Try not to dwell on your disappointment. Coming to the aid of a loved one will make your relationship stronger than ever. Replace a temper tantrum with an act of selflessness.

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