
Your intuition won't be as strong as it has been in the past. When having conflicting feelings, you should gather as many facts as possible before making a decision. Beware of making choices out of anger. It's better to pause and reflect before responding to someone who pushes your buttons. When you're submerged in a toxic situation, do your best to take breaks from the fray. Taking a short walk around the block can clear your head and make it easier to formulate an exit plan.

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You may not get a lot of support from friends, especially regarding creative projects. Instead of looking to others for approval, continue to march to the beat of your own drum. You've been blessed with impressive artistic ability. Suppressing this talent makes you tired and unhappy. Make time each day to exercise your imagination. Whether you like working with clay, beads, fabric or wood, practicing handicrafts will bolster your confidence. You could even sell the fruits of your labour.

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You're losing sight of your career objectives. A path that once seemed promising isn't attractive anymore. Stop pressuring yourself to find the perfect job. Instead, do the best you can with the tasks you've been given. Stop taking work related stress home with you. By moving the focus onto your personal life, you'll gain a better perspective on your professional needs. A job that allows you to spend more time with friends and family will become your first priority.

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Although you want to expand your horizons, personal responsibilities keep you close to home. You can still engage your intellect while attending to family matters. Watching documentaries about exotic lands and cultures, reading books about ancient civilisations, or listening to foreign language tapes can give you the intellectual exercise you crave. Take comfort in the knowledge this situation is temporary; there will be future opportunities to explore unfamiliar territory.

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You'll work hard to maintain an intimate connection with someone you love. Each of you is very busy. Unless you take time out of your jam packed schedules to connect, you will drift apart. Instead of jeopardising this relationship, cut back on your responsibilities. Spend fewer hours at the office, let some of the housework go and stop volunteering for projects. By making your bond a top priority, it will be easy to cope with small pressures that drain your energy and undermine your happiness.

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A business or romantic partner won't be readily available to help you. Becoming more self-reliant is critical to your success. In the past, you leaned on your friend for support when you felt insecure. Now they are the ones who require an extra dose of compassion. This role reversal can be a blessing in disguise for your relationship. Becoming less critical will make your dynamic kinder and gentler. You'll help your friend overcome deep disappointment and thereby win their everlasting loyalty.

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It's important to tune in to your body's signals. If you've been suffering from an intermittent ache or pain, talk to a physician. Listen carefully to their advice. Learning how to manage stress is essential to your well-being. This can involve anything from ending a toxic relationship to leaving an unrewarding job to cutting back your family responsibilities. Relatives, colleagues and friends can pick up the slack while you enjoy a more relaxed schedule. Shouldering all these burdens is taking a toll on your system.

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A promising romance is starting to lose its lustre. Part of the problem is you have unrealistic expectations about love. After the courtship phase, every couple has to return to daily responsibilities. This can be disappointing after all night conversations and spontaneous passionate encounters. Take a look at affectionate couples who have been together for a long time. Their ability to treat each other well through good times and bad is a good example to follow.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your family has been impatient with a series of broken promises. Instead of asking for more chances to prove yourself, focus on changing your behaviour. Actions always speak louder than words. People will take you more seriously when you establish a solid record of punctuality, repaying loans or maintaining a job. Slowly but surely, you'll get the respect you've always wanted. Best of all, your own confidence will soar. Instead of quitting at the first hurdle find ways around obstacles.

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It may be necessary to take back words you said in anger. Being able to admit you were wrong will help your reputation, not hurt it. Own up to your mistakes and resist the temptation to underplay your errors. It will take time for people to trust you again. Try not to take their scepticism personally. Slowly but surely, you'll get back into the public's good graces. It's a matter of controlling your temper, checking your facts and resisting the temptation to hurt those who have upset you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Beware of a tendency to donate money every time you are asked. Be more selective about how you use your resources. When it comes to supporting charities, choose one or two organisations. If others ask for donations, explain you've already made a commitment to these issues. Although your generosity is admirable, it can undermine your own financial security. Maintaining a retirement or savings account will put you in an even better position to help those who are less fortunate.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It will be difficult to blend in with the woodwork. Although you're sympathetic to other points of view, you have strong opinions. Don't agree to plans that seem flawed or foolish. Be assertive about proposing alternatives. When rivals try to push you aside, push back. You don't have to resort to brutish behaviour, but you must be more assertive. Your instincts about creating a more kind, compassionate environment that serves a wide variety of people are right on target.

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