
You need to tell yourself what a fool you'd be to blow your savings on a ridiculous luxury. You don't really need the item you're thinking of buying today. You don't even know why it's suddenly so important that you should splash out on it. If you feel desperate to treat yourself in some way, at least be sensible and go for an item that will have lasting value.

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A recurring dream or compelling vision inspires you to approach someone with an idea you're hoping they will approve of. Their reaction may not be as enthusiastic as you'd hoped, in fact, it might feel as if they're almost laughing in your face. Don't let this discourage you. There are plenty of people out there who'd love to take you up on your offer. With the right support, you will achieve your dream.

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You believe in the power of positive thinking but it's no use dreaming your days away, without doing something definite, to turn your hopes into reality. It's all well and good imagining how you see yourself in time to come but you need to grab a firm hold of your dreams and channel your energy in a way that transforms ideas into realism. You are a person of many talents. Start using them.

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In spite of a few knock backs, events are steadily moving your way. Whatever happens over the days ahead, continue to focus on your long-term goals. They could come within your grasp sooner than you imagined. The difficulties that face you today may appear far more serious than they are. Don't delude yourself into thinking you will never succeed. Otherwise you could be playing into a devious someone's hands.

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Your partner seems to doubt your ability to stick to a budget you've both just agreed on and this puts stress on an intimate relationship. You're tempted to spend, not for the sake of spending, but because it will really annoy your other half. But what does this prove other than that they're right? The best way to relieve the situation is to work harder than ever to prove you can be sensible with money.

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You're being asked to do something, ignore someone or overlook a matter that you don't feel very happy about. You might fear what takes place today could have negative consequences in the future and you really won't want to be involved in any way. Refuse any request that doesn't sit well with your conscience. Go with your instincts.

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Whether it's because you're working together so closely, or you're starting to relax in the company of someone you've recently met, they seem incredibly irresistible to you, today. It's difficult to concentrate when you're suddenly obsessed with the need to reveal the strong feelings you have for another. Until you do, you're of no use to anyone.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You can't keep telling yourself that you will stop a habit that you know isn't good for you, 'tomorrow'. How many tomorrows have there already been? Stop deceiving yourself into thinking that it won't do you any harm to continue an unhealthy practice for just a short while longer. It's time now to take determined steps to break the habit. Even if it means getting professional help.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The thought of joining in with some family plans makes you cringe now. You respect that others have their priorities but you would really rather do your own thing. To join in with arrangements you aren't keen on will only spoil the atmosphere for those who happen to enjoy what they're doing. For that reason, follow your instincts and insist that for today at least, you go your way and they go theirs.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Is it your imagination? You don't often feel this way but there's a deep, almost psychic connection between you and your partner. Don't question the whys and wherefores. This kind of mental intimacy is just what's needed if recently you've felt as if you've been drifting apart. An intense spiritual experience and the discussions that then ensue will help relieve you both of a great deal of stress and anxiety.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't dwell on what you missed out on as a child or in your youth. Instead, focus on what you have now and all the positive prospects that lie before you. It would be a shame to miss out on a good opportunity because you're allowing old hang-ups to interfere. You've grown-up a lot since the days when a lack of experience or understanding held you back. You're much stronger now and much wiser too.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Desiring recognition and feeling a need for appreciation for the work that you do is nothing to be ashamed of. If you know you deserve it, there's nothing wrong with expecting a little admiration too. Colleagues are pleased with your recent efforts but you want to hear them say this out loud. You need some verbal feedback, if only to know that you are on the right track and you aren't being taken for granted.

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