
Even if you have all the answers to questions asked today you will be reluctant to give these away. You might be forced to tell a white lie or two to encourage someone to start standing on their own two feet. Whether it is a fellow student, a family member or a work associate who is constantly depending on your help, it is time they started to paddle their own canoe.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You have been busy lately and because of this it won't be easy to wind down today. You really shouldn't be looking for things to do but you can't switch off and relax when there is so much going on in your head. Happily idling the time away holds no attraction. Getting on with routine chores will suit you down to the ground even if others aren't in the mood to help!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Why are you sitting around when you could get involved in a project or event that is bound to be fulfilling? Don't wait for others to approach you. Let people know you are interested. Life could be more positive and stimulating through your connections with others. At the same time, if you are linked to another, be sure not to sweep their feelings aside in your rush to make something of yourself.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The apparent tension between you and another person might seem to have miraculously vanished. This is an encouraging sign for more reasons than one. You value their friendship and opinions. You aren't happy when you aren't speaking. Also, to make any significant achievements in either the present or the future, you might need to work with this person on a cooperative basis.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Don't feel you have to be pushy to prove you are worthy of promotion. Let your past hard work and achievements speak for themselves. At some stage today you could be in contact with an important figure in your profession or your community. Just be yourself and you will discover you have a lot in common. Although you may never have expected it, this could be the start of a special friendship.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Social events arranged for today and tomorrow should go with a swing. You get the chance to prove how much a friendship matters. If you are thinking about bringing two different sets of friends together and wondering how they will get on, an instant rapport will be apparent. A family gathering helps restore a sense of goodwill between estranged relatives.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You are focused on your main goals and you are blessed with some resourceful ideas and inspirations. Today you are ready to take a break from important affairs and private endeavours. You will feel happier when sharing some company. If you and your significant other have been apart or unable to enjoy each other's company, circumstances will now see an end to such irritations.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Travel and contact with those who live at a distance bring new possibilities for the future. There will be no stopping you once you have made your mind up. If there's someone you've promised to get in touch with but haven't, contact them today. They could have some interesting news. Invite others to stay with you; accept similar offers coming to you. You might want to do something out of the ordinary now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A joke might backfire or a comment that was meant to be funny could be taken the wrong way. Although you feel good about the way some areas of your life are going, your happiness will be overshadowed by a loved one's moodiness. You have to watch what you do and say because nothing seems to please them. If there is a choice between romance or going out with friends this evening, you might do better going for the latter!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Career and other demands on your time and energy have been interfering with your friendships and love life. Today and over the days ahead, find ways to restore the balance. Arrange to get together with old friends before you lose touch with them altogether. Be the first to make amends if you've recently fallen out with someone. Life's too short to bear a grudge.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The more time you spend with a partner, the stronger your union will be. Talking and sharing similar interests will help you work well as a team. Joint arrangements fall into place as ideas are shared and arrangements agreed on. Remember how confident you feel today and if, over the weeks ahead you start having doubts, don't start changing your mind!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your job or your responsibilities outside the home may cause an argument or disagreement. If you sense others aren't going to be happy with the plans you are making, tell them only what they have to know. The less you say, the better. This is not a day for brooding about things that may never happen. Neither should you be so influenced by others you fall in with their wishes to please them if it doesn't please you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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