
Resist the temptation to feel sorry for yourself when things go wrong. Being able to laugh in the face of disappointment will bring supporters to your side, and open doors that were previously closed to you. Don't make promises you can't keep, or you'll damage your professional reputation. It's better to factor in more time for a job than commit yourself to a tight deadline which doesn't allow for technical delays or mistakes. Why back yourself into a corner?

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Several friends haven't been very supportive lately, causing you to question why you maintain these relationships. Maybe it's time to break ties with those who don't understand you. Surround yourself with people who share your goals and sympathise with your problems. It sounds simplistic, but this will have a profound impact on your self esteem. Work becomes more demanding when a colleague develops a prolonged sickness. You'll have to cover their shifts and assume a greater level of responsibility. It's only temporary.

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You're tired of having to play parent to an irresponsible group of people. The only way to reject this role is to allow others to make their own mistakes. If a relative insists on engaging in risky behaviour, let them take the consequences. You'll have to cancel weekend plans for the sake of work. Ask your boss for some time off during the week so you can recover from your prolonged duties. It's only fair. Even the most capable workers need rest.

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At some point, you need to accept the fact you have no control over your life. Surrender to the unknown, even if it means losing a job, lover, or privilege. A period of mourning will ensue, but it's a blessing in disguise. Sometimes the only way you can learn is to be forced to deal with difficult circumstances. Tackling a challenging situation now will bring out all your best and most resourceful qualities.

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You're ready to overhaul your life in some way. Maybe you're sick of your job and need to quit. Perhaps you've been struggling with an addiction. It's even possible you need to find a new place to live. Whatever the situation, you can handle it. Just take the first step towards a healthier circumstance. You might have to take evening classes as a means to attain job security. This will require a temporary sacrifice, but the results will be well worth it.

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It's important to have an equal partnership but there will be times when others take more responsibility than you, and vice-versa, but nobody should do all the work all the time. If you don't have faith in a friend or lover to do jobs well, you're creating a toxic dynamic. Back off with your critical attitude and give your loved one a chance. Yes, they may make mistakes at first, but practice makes perfect. The sooner you drop your micromanaging tendencies, the better.

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You're tempted to binge at the first sign of trouble. Unfortunately, these indulgences result in tremendous remorse afterwards. Try taking a more respectful attitude towards your body. Know that whatever you drink or eat will take a toll on your system. Get in the habit of preparing healthy snacks so you won't reach for crisps or chocolate when energy levels sag. Take a walk when you feel frustrated or anxious. If you're tired take forty winks, it'll do you a power of good.

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Lately, you've become obsessed with romance. While it's wonderful to be in love, there are other things that make life worthwhile. Enrich your private life with creative endeavours like playing music, writing stories, and painting landscapes. You've been blessed with considerable creative talent; if you don't exercise it, you become depressed. Turn a deaf ear to your inner critic. It doesn't have anything constructive to say right now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your home looks like a tornado hit it. Although the prospect makes you fairly ill, it's time to do some serious cleaning. If the job is too big for you to handle, hire a professional cleaning service. Be ready to clear your home of clutter. Anything you haven't used in a year should be thrown out, sold, or donated to charity. An older friend is depressing you with their gloomy outlook. Keep your distance, especially if you want to take a risk.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's hard to get your priorities straight. Making a list can organise your thoughts. What are three things you want to accomplish by the end of the year? Name five people you've been meaning to contact, and then send them emails by the end of the day. By setting yourself small, manageable deadlines, you'll get lots done. Job opportunities are few and far between. Keep applying for work, if only as a means to keep abreast of the market.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There's no shame in taking pride in your work; you're extremely talented. Don't let modesty prevent you from promoting your gifts, whether it's at a job interview or audition. It may not be easy to gain entry to an exclusive educational or cultural institution. If your initial application is turned down, stay positive. It may take two or three tries until you're accepted. Until then, keep developing your gifts and branch out into a new medium.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're tired of giving and getting nothing in return. The next time you're presented with a chance to help someone else, refrain from volunteering. Let somebody else take a turn. Yes, there's a chance people will call you selfish, but it's only because they've come to rely on you to do all the dirty work. Enjoy solitary pleasures like reading, writing, or meditating. You'll far prefer your own company to that of anyone else today.

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