
Put your organisational skills to work. Throwing a fundraiser will be a great channel for your boundless energy. Your energy and enthusiasm will ensure a successful event. If you play your cards right, you will attract job offers as a result of this venture. Choose your next assignment carefully. You fare best when put in charge of an important division. You're much better at issuing orders than taking them. Being able to organise your own staff improves your professional prospects.

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You will have to fight to be sent on a business trip. There are those who are afraid you won't be assertive enough with a prospective client. It's up to you to win the confidence of your employer. Hold a meeting with your boss and explain why you're the best person for this assignment. Not only are you patient and persistent, but you are also respectful. People appreciate your willingness to listen to their concerns and take their interests into account. These strengths will result in a very lucrative deal.

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Invite your sensual side out to play. If you've developed a crush on someone, now is the time to make your move. Be clear about your motives. A courageous act of courtship will be enthusiastically received. Do you already have a partner? The best way to inject passion into your relationship is to express interest in your amour's hopes, dreams and fears. Don't be surprised if things become physically affectionate after having a heart to heart discussion. Be sympathetic, supportive and loving.

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Championing someone else's interests will pay off handsomely. The person you defend will be grateful for your influence and will do everything in their power to help you with professional ventures. You may not know it now, but you'll soon discover your friend has extensive connections in your desired field. With their help, you will attract much better assignments than you have in the past. When you generate positive energy, you attract the same. Keep the good karma flowing.

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Getting exercise is important to your intellectual and physical health. Although you love to recline, relax and have fun, it's important to move your body at regular intervals throughout the day. Being a couch potato will cause circulation and respiration problems. Take a brisk walk, whether you go before work or on your lunch hour. Other activities like biking, hiking and swimming can also keep you in good condition. The more varied your workouts, the more motivated you will be to stay fit.

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You're determined to get what you want, even if it means elbowing rivals out of the way. If you're trying to win someone's heart, be assertive. Instead of tentatively asking if they'd like to hang out together, ask them for a date. Propose an outing and be specific about the time and locale. Adopting an authoritative stance will win over the object of your affection. Are you already in a relationship? Treat your amour like you're courting. It's important to keep the romance alive between you.

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Protecting the interests of a loved one is your first priority. You're tired of seeing a kind person being manipulated by those who should know better. Instead of silently fuming and fretting, take them to task. Tell them you don't appreciate their abusive behaviour. Demand they behave in a more courteous manner. At first, this blowhard will express disbelief at your outburst. Once they realise you are deadly serious, they'll become defensive. Don't listen to their excuses; threaten to expose them unless they change their ways.

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It's time to take the gloves off when dealing with someone who is oblivious to social cues. Someone who is consistently callous and inconsiderate must be confronted. Take this boor aside and explain how their behaviour is offensive. Give specific examples and stay calm. An emotional appeal will be ignored. A cool, calm recital of facts will have a much different effect. You're the only person courageous enough to address this issue. Everyone else has been suffering in silence. Speak up.

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When you aren't properly appreciated, you hold a grudge. As a general rule, you take a relaxed approach to life. Your laid back attitude quickly evaporates when people behave in an ungrateful manner. If you feel you aren't being properly compensated at work, demand a raise. It may necessary to issue an ultimatum to your boss to get what you want. This is one of those times when a show of force yields good results. Be assertive and don't back down.

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Standing up for yourself is essential. Someone who is jealous of your success is spreading rumours about you. Take this opportunity to clear your name. You've always taken great pride in behaving ethically, particularly in your professional life. Although you could have benefitted from several questionable deals, you always avoided such transactions. Now that a rival is painting you in a bad light, you must defend your reputation. Threaten to sue if you don't get an immediate and public apology.

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Pour all your energy into a spiritual venture. You're tired of worrying about money, status and love. Turning your attention inward will cultivate contentment. Are you single? You can be very happy while going solo. Not having to answer to anyone else will allow you to freely travel, work and study. Are you in a dead end job? Find enjoyable things to do after hours. Filling your free time with a favourite hobby will make work seem less odious. You may even come to enjoy your duties.

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Friends enjoy your company because you are unpredictable. Instead of worrying about social norms, you march to the beat of your own drum. As a result, life is often interesting when you're on the scene. If you decide to start your own business, you will hire your nearest and dearest as staff. Luckily, you know many capable people who will make this venture a success. It's especially important to assemble a team that don't need close management. You'd rather focus on the creative side of things.

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