
You could be given a raise, promotion or more responsible role. It feels wonderful to have your talent recognised. Take this opportunity to establish some pretty permanent structures designed to help vulnerable people. Relieving the public of nagging doubts will make them free to pursue the activities they love. That's no small accomplishment. When people realise their full potential, everyone benefits. Don't be afraid to make some unpopular decisions. Eliminating waste will allow resources to be spent in more effective ways.

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It's time to stand on principle. By turning down a distasteful opportunity that would personally enrich you, your star will rise. People will recognise you for being an upright individual who can be trusted to make difficult decisions. Whether you're offered a job with an exploitive company, told to settle a score or ordered to tell a lie, be defiant. You'll be surprised how many supporters come out of the woodwork. With their help, you'll find a situation in keeping with your principles.

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You'll be able to tap hidden emotional reserves to deal with a personal problem. If you've been struggling with debt, take this opportunity to get a clear picture of what you owe. Connect with a charitable organisation devoted to helping people in your situation. Being able to consolidate these bills into one monthly payment will ease the pressure that's been mounting. You might even be able to negotiate a deal that eliminates the interest rate. Stop agonising about the future and take control of your destiny.

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A close relationship allows you to realise a cherished dream. Let your romantic or business partner take over your responsibilities while you undertake this project. Whether your goal involves getting an advanced degree, starting your own business or undergoing a health regime, you will be successful. It helps to know you have someone in your corner. If your resolve ever falters, turn to your other half for support. They'll be happy to pull you across the finish line.

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Support from a hidden benefactor causes your star to rise. You've always made a point to treat everyone with respect and dignity. This thoughtful approach makes you a popular figure. When a new and more responsible role becomes available, you'll be recommended by several people for the job. Assuming this role will give you a thrill. You'll enjoy representing your employer to prestigious customers and clients. No matter how many people you serve, you manage to make everybody feel like they're the most important individual in the room.

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Although you're highly practical, you're also extremely artistic. Rather than pouring all your energy into making money, turn your attention to creative pursuits. Developing your natural talent for handcrafts will be personally and professionally rewarding. You might be able to sell your baked goods, furniture or jewellery for a handsome profit. Give yourself a chance to try. Studying with a respected artisan will result in some startling breakthroughs. Push yourself harder than ever; the results will be gratifying.

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A passionate relationship gives you newfound courage. Instead of enduring shabby treatment, you'll begin streamlining your personal circle. Friends and relatives who take delight in putting you down should go by the wayside. Keep only the associates who give you unconditional love. You've always been extremely tactful, enduring outrageous behaviour for the sake of keeping the pace. This is starting to change. Start demanding the respect and kindness you've always given to others. It's only fair.

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Undertaking a serious course of study will serve you well. You'll enjoy trying to earn the approval of a demanding instructor. While everyone else cowers before this teacher, you'll rise to their challenges. Don't be surprised if you're offered a job as their assistant at the end of term. You both share a passion for this subject. It will be gratifying to work alongside someone who is similarly invested in this pursuit. Slowly but surely, you'll achieve their master status.

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A clever use of resources allows you to thrive on a tight budget. Although there won't be much money for luxuries, this won't stop you from fully enjoying life. You've always been good at having a good time, regardless of your financial status. This capacity for joy will lead to a job opportunity. While this position isn't especially lofty, it does show promise. Take this opportunity to learn a trade. Acquiring advanced skills will give you a greater measure of freedom in a few years.

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Your authoritative personality attracts lots of admirers. If you're single, take this opportunity to embark on a romance with someone who makes you laugh. You have similar values and can build a very happy life together. Are you in a relationship? Let your amour lavish you with tender loving care. Resist the temptation to brush off their tender endearments. The more receptive you are to their care, the stronger your bond will become. You're allowed to let down your guard with the person who is closest to your heart.

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You have some important decisions to make. Instead of asking others for advice, look within for guidance. Your intuition is right on target. Cutting back work for the sake of family feels right. Don't worry about making ends meet. The money you need will arrive when it's needed. The important thing is to give your nearest and dearest the attention they need. If you're estranged from kin, pour your energy into creating a comfortable home life. Having a secure base of operations will be a buffer from worldly matters.

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Finding a way to give back to your community is critical. You're a born humanitarian who can't bear to be idle while others suffer. Joining a charitable organisation will be very good for you. Instead of shying away from difficult conversations, you'll plunge into the fray. You won't hesitate to challenge those who behave selfishly and take advantage of vulnerable members of the community. Don't be surprised when you develop a reputation for being a justice seeker. Your impassioned speeches will inspire others to make the world a better place.

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