
Worrying is a waste of time. Rather than fearing the future, believe everything will work to your advantage. Assuming a positive attitude will attract the love, luck and opportunities you desire. Pattern your behaviour after a diehard optimist. There's a reason they're so fortunate. You're highly impressionable. Stay away from nay sayers. They'll just drag you down into the muck with them. When you become moody, listen to some upbeat music and move to the beat. There's no better way to chase away the clouds.

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Don't assume you know everything about a complicated subject. Someone who is much younger than you are has valuable insights. By closing your mouth and opening your ears, you'll learn a great deal. You'll also form a fast friendship with this expert. If something's been bothering you, talk to a sympathetic friend. A casual conversation could unearth some resentments. It's better to confront these emotions than let them fester. After you've examined your feelings, burn off the tension with exercise.

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The sooner you admit you have no control over a person's behaviour, the happier you will be. If you want to make a change, alter your own expectations. Do something to draw closer to a cherished goal, like opening a savings account. Friends are urging you to follow their lead. You're not interested in what they're doing. Instead of following the herd, march to the beat of your own drum. Jot down ideas for a story or song. Art projects always bring out the best in you.

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Resist the temptation to define yourself through another person. You're an individual in your own right, regardless of a parent or partner's accomplishments. It may be helpful to assume another name to cultivate a unique identity. Wipe the slate clean. Don't link your self-worth to your career success. You are special in your own right. Anything you achieve in the professional realm is just icing on the cake. Give yourself credit for being a compassionate human being who knows how to care for others.

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Don't make a big deal out of nothing. A minor setback shouldn't break your stride. Treat this situation as a blessing in disguise. Because you've been forced to change course just a little, you'll put yourself in the path of even more good fortune. Although you long to get away from the old routine, there simply isn't an opportunity to do so. Drudgery demands your attention. The sooner you attend to some paperwork, the faster you will be able to book an exotic trip.

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A show of confidence will improve your romantic prospects. If you already have a partner, stop seeking their approval. Instead, conduct yourself with assurance. This will ignite flames of passion. Are you single? Make a move on the object of your desire. A partner who is stingy with their resources must be challenged. You're always finding ways to be of service to this loved one. If they never return the favour, there's a problem. Be more demanding and stop settling for second best.

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Don't be quick to take a casual joke personally. A relative is trying to make the best of a trying situation. Laughing at their silly remark will break the ice. Taking offense will increase the tension. The ball is in your court. A close relationship is wearing on your nerves. You're tired of walking on eggshells with someone who is quick to take offense. Until your other half develops a thicker skin, it may be best to put your relationship on hold.

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Beware of making a hasty decision. Although it's understandable you want to resolve a difficult situation, you must be mindful about this choice. Weigh your options and do what is best for the entire group. Give careful thought to the long-term future. Your diet has a big impact on your mood. If you're tired and irritable, it may be because you are not giving your body the best fuel. Go for meals that are mainly compromised of fresh produce, whole grains and lean proteins.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're reluctant to make changes. The status quo serves you perfectly well. Continuing along this predictable path will result in a missed opportunity. Force yourself to change direction. What was once a comfortable existence will become an extraordinarily happy life. Placing too many expectations on a romantic partner is a mistake. You're the only one responsible for your happiness. If you miss being physically active, begin a fitness regime or join a sports team. Your mind/body connection is very strong. When one realm suffers, attend to the other.

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Being pushy or rude will create enemies. Instead of moving at lightning speed, assume a more deliberate pace. Make friends and find out what motivates each member of the group. This will allow you to cultivate support for a bold idea. Your family is angered by all the time you spend on work. Neglecting them will be cause for regret. Take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy quality time together. Without their love, all your accomplishments will seem empty.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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When things don't go the way you want, you tend to isolate yourself from the world. Don't make that mistake now. Forming bonds with various people in your community will make a difficult situation much easier to bear. Attend a local get together. Chores have been piling up. The sooner you tackle the laundry, grocery shopping and house cleaning, the happier you will be. Despite your extreme creativity, you need orderly surroundings to be inventive. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

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You're filled with contradictions. People have a hard time understanding your motives. Instead of making them guess about what you want, be direct. If you want a raise, ask for one and specify the amount. Don't beat around the bush; get straight to the point. Filling an emotional void with material possessions will do more harm than good. Instead of heading for the stores, turn your attention inward. When was the last time you indulged your love of art? Watch a movie or listen to music instead of shopping.

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