
You're a natural performer who draws an audience wherever you go. Take this opportunity to showcase your creative work, find love or embark on an adventure. Recently, you've been coping with lots of responsibilities. Although you've done a good job fulfilling your duties, you have become tired. Put work on the back burner. Make fun your first priority. Nobody will blame you for taking a break. Let your youthful spirit come out to play. Soon, you'll remember to laugh and life won't seem so difficult.

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Let powerful emotions serve as a catalyst. If you've been yearning to relocate, this is a wonderful time to do so. Trust your feelings and start looking for a new home. You could find the perfect place quite easily. Fortunately, a generous relative will be happy to help with the deposit. Alternatively, you may inherit some beautiful furniture or expensive appliances from a family member who no longer needs these items. Either way, this will save a great deal of money.

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Being able to study a subject you love feels like heaven on earth. You enjoy working for a demanding teacher. Reading, conducting research and investigating new facts and figures provides the intellectual stimulation you crave. The more you learn, the more confident you become. It's especially pleasing when you're able to put newly acquired lessons to use. People are often surprised by the breadth of your knowledge. It all comes down to the fact that you are a lifelong student.

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People put their faith in you, knowing you are reliable and conscientious. It gives you great pleasure to protect your loved ones from stress and deprivation. Whenever you have an opportunity to come to their aid, you take it. In addition, you take pains to create a secure foundation for your family. Educational and retirement funds can protect your loved ones from financial hardship. At times, putting all this money away is exhausting, but it's a sacrifice you enjoy making.

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You take great pleasure in calling the shots. People fall quickly in line with your plans, because you always propose fun activities. Someone who has developed a crush on you will try to impress you by trying to excel in a competition. You'll be very amused by their antics. Ultimately, you want a romantic partner who doesn't take life too seriously. They don't have to be the best athlete or the most talented artist, but your amour should be playful.

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Turning a dream into reality is within your power. Instead of building a castle in the air, you'll take a masonry course to learn how to construct a palace out of real bricks and mortar. Although it helps to be intelligent, the real secret to your success is determination. You understand that great things only happen when you're willing to work for them. While everybody else is living in fantasy land, you're finding ways to reach new heights; create a legacy and benefit from your knowledge.

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You're ready to tackle an emotional situation with cool logic. Although you feel strongly about this issue, you won't let down your defences. This prevents rivals from taking advantage of you. By countering their infuriating arguments with reliable facts and figures, you will win the day. Thanks to your efforts, a group of people who are often victimised will finally prevail. You should be justifiably proud of your work to make the world a better place. Continue to fight for fairness.

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Professional opportunities are opening up for you. It's important to accept the job which is best for you. You won't fare well in a position involving routine work. Pursue a career that draws on your considerable intelligence. Being able to challenge assumptions and propose other options will be a good use of your talent. You've never been content with second best. This insistence on excellence will serve you well in a company that is determined to reach the top. Look for an employer that shares your values.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Going off on a grand adventure is exactly what you want. Take this opportunity to book a trip, enrol in a college or submit some written work for publication. Expanding your horizons will be a welcome reward for performing routine tasks over an extended period of time. If you're looking for work, think about moving abroad. You could get a very good job that pays well. Being immersed in a foreign culture will make you reassess your priorities. It will also make you more aware of your blessings.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've never been satisfied with superficial answers. If you're not happy with the information you have been given, dig a little deeper. You'll be surprised what you discover. Knowing the real story will give you an edge on the competition. Use this insight to carve out a secure position for yourself. Knowing which people hold the power will greatly improve your career prospects. You're tired of going through the traditional channels and getting nowhere. It's time to move up.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Set aside time from your busy schedule for your best friend or romantic partner. Enjoying their company will put problems in their proper perspective. You can meet any challenge as long as you have unconditional love. Many times, you act as though you don't need help. You're highly capable and know how to solve problems. That doesn't mean relationships are unimportant. You can't thrive without the love and support of friends. They give you the honest feedback that colleagues cannot.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are determined to attend chores that have fallen through the cracks. Gathering supplies, doing repairs and running errands will make you breathe easier. Take a methodical approach to all the work that must be done. If you're not sure when a store is open, call ahead. That way, you can plan a sensible route that won't force you to back track. It's also important to assign chores to relatives and roommates. There's no reason you should be expected to shoulder these burdens alone.

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