
You're more determined than ever to develop yourself through travel, exploration, philosophy, or higher. Explore a class or holiday package that excites your imagination. If you're not sure what opportunities are out there, consult a neighbour or relative who shares your interests. Learning a foreign language or mastering a musical instrument are other possibilities for you. You need to find a way to stay intellectually stimulated.

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A powerful sex drive prompts you to explore ways to become more alluring. Get rid of any clothing which makes you feel dowdy or depressed. Limit your wardrobe to items that flatter your body and enhance your colouring. Buy yourself some luxury toiletries to make you look and smell terrific. When you look your best, you attract romantic attention like a flower draws bees. Cultivating a bit of flirtatious banter can also work in your favour.

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Spending more time with your soul mate should be your first priority. Think about taking a class, going on a trip, or writing a book together. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a sporting event. Keep your eyes open for an outdoorsy type with a terrific sense of humour. They could tempt you to get back in shape. Sports like tennis or squash are more your line than running on a treadmill.

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Taking better care of yourself spurs your imagination. All of a sudden, you're able to blast through creative blocks. This is because your body and mind are intimately linked. If you're looking for a job, seek opportunities that will allow you to work outdoors. Landscaping, dog walking or forestry jobs are among the possibilities. At the very least, get into the habit of taking a walk before or after work. Being cooped up inside isn't healthy for someone like you.

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Winning someone's affection should be your first order of business. Fortunately, you know just what to say to get a person's attention. Humour is the fastest way to your beloved's heart. If you're already in a relationship, write a passionate love letter to your amour. Your torrid words could result in a heated bedroom encounter. A child who is bursting with energy could use an action packed outing.

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Devising ways to spend more quality time at home will be rewarding. Having a loving family gives you a secure base from which to launch your dreams. If you've always wanted to own your own home, start a savings fund for that purpose. If your relationships with relatives are strained, you may want to focus on creating a close network of friends. They'll act like kin when you're down and out.

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Intellectual contests bring out the best in you. This would be a great time to take up bridge, chess, or backgammon. Joining a club will put you in touch with people who challenge your mind and stimulate your imagination. One of your new friends may even inspire you to write a book. A healthy argument with a neighbour could release some hostilities you have had building for quite some time. Be honest about your feelings.

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You've got a wonderful idea for a business. Now all you need is the funding and help to get this notion off the ground. Reach out to an enterprising man who has launched similar ventures in the past. He might be willing to give you the investment you need in exchange for a percentage of the profits. If you're going to form a partnership with this guy, you need to be flexible. His methods may be unorthodox, but they are effective.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A burst of energy prompts you to move forward with a project you've been contemplating for some time. Join a gym, send out a slew of CVs, or write the first chapter of a book. Taking an overseas trip is another possibility. Learning a few basic phrases of the native language can help tremendously. People always like to help those who show respect for their ways. If you're looking for work, you may want to do a bit of substitute teaching.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working on behalf of others gives you a new lease on life. You're tired of focusing on material matters all of the time. It seems like the more money you make, the unhappier you are and it's because possessions weigh you down. If it's liberation you seek, donate a few hours to your favourite charity. Work in a community garden. Organise a food drive. You're sure to meet some new friends along the way. It's even possible you'll write a book about your experiences.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A stimulating argument with friends could prompt you to do something totally out of character. You're tired of treading the same tired route every day. Taking up a dangerous sport will give you the exhilaration you crave. Alternatively, you may decide to write a no holds barred blog. Your opinions will shock and offend the public, which is exactly what you want. Far be it from you to appease readers with silly platitudes. Your mission is to shake up the status quo and provoke meaningful conversation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're tired of sitting on the sidelines while everybody else basks in the spotlight. Think of ways to attract attention. Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as bad publicity. You want to get favourable recognition for your talents. Be willing to submit your creative work for review. You'll be pleased as punch by the response. It's even possible you'll be offered an impressive new job.

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