
A burst of energy will inspire you to launch a project. Working with a team of fellow visionaries will be invigorating. In the past, you were forced to pitch ideas to conventional types who never wanted to take risks. That won't be the case now, when you have a wonderful opportunity to introduce a helpful product or service to the world. If you've been yearning to become more physically active, think about joining a keep fit group or sports team.

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You're getting a lot of professional support from colleagues If someone offers to act as your personal assistant, accept. You'll enjoy being able to focus on the big picture while your helper runs errands, gathers supplies and manages your correspondence. If you treat people with courtesy and respect, they'll give you their best. Take every opportunity to teach valuable skills and offer career guidance. You'll work well with someone who is bold, innovative and energetic.

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Spending time with friends restores your faith in humanity. You've always been interested in current events. Watching the news makes you wonder if you're the only one with common sense. This feeling of despair will vanish when you reconnect with people you admire and respect. Instead of looking for ways to score points off each other, you join forces to solve problems and improve conditions. Stop buying into the narrative that the human race is doomed. Most people are lovely.

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You're even more competitive than usual. Taking the helm of an important organisation appeals and will be an excellent use of your leadership skills. You have the ability to command respect while cultivating kindness. That's why people enjoy working for you. Instead of instructing people to reach their goals by any means necessary, you invite them to find the best solution for the greatest number of people. This creates a stimulating environment that helps everyone thrive.

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Leading a reform movement will greatly appeal to you. You're tired of seeing people fall through the cracks because of an outmoded system. By making an impassioned public appeal, you'll win the support to throw out a restrictive rule. Welcoming more people to participate will make the group vibrant and relevant again. Tradition is important, but so is moving with the times. If anyone can convince conventional types to be more inclusive, it's you. It's hard to resist your warmth, humour and charm.

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Your desires are more powerful than ever. Stop trying to deny your physical side. Enjoy a rendezvous with your amour. Splash out on clothes that accentuate your natural good looks. Shop for cologne. Eat at a gourmet restaurant. Do anything designed to delight your senses. If you're single but looking for love, you could find it at a sporting event, contest or safety meeting. You'll feel an instant rapport with someone who picks you out of a crowd and makes a beeline for you.

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Working with the public is your strong suit. You've always had the gift of bringing different people together in a spirit of harmony. By forging a middle path, you'll create a friendly environment where everybody feels comfortable and effective. There will be times when you are forced to take a side. Obey your conscience in these matters. It's more important to stand on the side of justice than give aid to friends. Make objectivity your goal when dealing with civic matters.

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If you've been looking for a job, you will be offered a great one. Instead of weighing your options, accept immediately. This position won't be simply financially rewarding; it will also be emotionally fulfilling. Are you happy with what you are doing? Ramp up your exercise routine. Being physically active will improve your outlook. You'll zip through duties like a hot knife for butter. Best of all, you'll enjoy an active social life after hours. Break the cycle of going from home to work and back again.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's time to put work on the back burner and pour all your energy into pursuing pleasure. Whether you want to take a holiday or go on a first date is immaterial. The important thing is to follow your heart. Working on creative projects and playing sports is also a good idea right now. Any activity that feels more like play than work will bring great happiness. Don't worry; you'll be able to catch up easily when you return to your duties. Your productivity will improve after getting a break.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Household chores demand your attention. Your financial situation is strong. Spend more money than usual on repairs, replacements and redecoration. You're a highly ambitious person who needs a tranquil haven to recharge your batteries. Coming home to a quiet, comfortable and restful place will revive your spirits. When hiring plumbers, electricians and contractors, go with people who have good reputations. If you need recommendations, put out the word on social media.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're tired of tiptoeing around a sensitive subject. Be direct when dealing with someone who is hateful and arrogant. Bullies like these need to be confronted or they will keep upping the ante. You have no problem with different points of view, but you will not tolerate cruel behaviour. When you see people getting hurt by ignorant remarks, speak up. Supporters will rally to your side once you address the elephant in the room. It takes one brave person to speak as they find. Let it be you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A desire for financial gain will prompt you to apply for a good job at a government agency, hospital or university. Any employer that has a good pension plan and excellent fringe benefits is worth your attention. You're tired of getting paid sporadically. Having a steady job that pays well will take a great deal of stress from your shoulders. Use your income to travel, make art and do anything else that feeds your spirit. Acquiring property doesn't inspire you, but expanding your horizons does.

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