
Some exceptional mental rapport helps you forge ahead today; you make a great impression on the world around you. An unexpected offer could send your job or a special ambition onto a new and more challenging direction. You won't get the chance to think about all that's happening but don't worry. Whatever occurs today will be for the best. You will find the energy to cope.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You might make a firm resolve now to step up your efforts in certain directions. Even so you also know it is wise to tie up loose ends of the past. You are looking ahead and planning ahead. You want to move on but something is temporarily preventing you from doing so. There's a strong need to share your hopes and dreams with your partner or someone who is equally as close. Today, they don't seem to want to know.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You step into a fresh chapter of your life; this means putting an end to long term affairs which have run on for too long. A new start in every sense might be a little radical but there are things you want to put behind you or start afresh with. This may relate to your behaviour when you might simply decide to be more punctual or pleasant in the future. Or it will be linked with new beginnings in your financial or business world.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Be positive; the more assertive you are the happier you will feel about life in general now. Your financial status could be on the up and up, thanks to a new acquaintance's profitable idea. Of course you should check everything out but don't let any good opportunities pass you by. Some antagonistic attitudes could be encountered between friends and loved ones. You might realise you don't really know someone even though you've been friends for years.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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The one and only way to solve problems connected to other people is to discuss them; don't ignore them! Get together with those who matter and be willing to listen as well as talk. Once all views have been aired, you might agree on where to go from there. Be flexible in your relationships. Taking too dogmatic an approach will arouse someone's bitterness or anger. This may push them to take the opposite stance to yours just to spite you. Diplomacy is the key!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Someone is sticking their neck out in business or finance, be sure that someone isn't you! This is not a day to take risks of any kind. Even commercial operations involving a high risk factor should be avoided. You need to be more broadminded in your one to one relationships. Romantic interests may centre on joint plans for the future. A partner is expecting your willing and enthusiastic support!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your relationship with a female friend or colleague could be strained. You might sense this is not a good time for serious discussions. The tense atmosphere in a close relationship will not last more than twenty four hours. Bide your time and bring up touchy topics another day when others will be in a more receptive mood. Evening trends will be more to your liking as there is no-one around to worry about but yourself!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Business, romantic and family affairs could all become entangled in a mix of highs and lows. Your working life takes on an added interest. Mysterious influences seem to put you in the right place at the right time. An opportunity offered will be too good to miss. A loved one is spoiling for a fight. With your mind on other matters, you could miss the signs. When discussing topics which caused contention in the past, think before revealing your true feelings.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Some big changes are being discussed or initiated; these may involve your partner. You might be moving in with your lover or vice-versa. Financial arrangements need to be settled on. It's no use leaving important issues for another time. If you do, there could be future misunderstandings. Get all the important matters out of the way today while there is a strong sense of justice and fair play. Don't leave anything to chance.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A colleague might try to get the better of you but they don't realise how determined you can be. One way or another you will get your own back on someone who hasn't been fair or honest. Partnerships and relationships hold your interest. Joint decisions already made should not be changed. Even if others try to persuade you a wrong move has been made or they have better ideas. They could be mistaken!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Others expect you to be strong; they are relying on your inner strength and ability to cope in difficult situations. Your willpower and determination to succeed inspires those around you with a new sense of purpose. You will not begrudge having to sacrifice a personal opportunity to be of assistance but take care not to take on too much. You don't want responsibilities to others to get overwhelming.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you have been delaying plans to refurbish your home, a housemate could push you into getting started. A flurry of activity makes it difficult for you to get your views and tastes across. A colour scheme of someone else's choice may not be to your liking. You feel frustrated when someone with an energetic and forceful nature takes over. It is not a good time to start anything new or different.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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