
You have plenty of valuable knowledge, but can't put it to use right now. Paying your dues is especially annoying to an impatient person like you. You'd much rather skip these preliminary steps and go straight for the gold. This situation will become much more tolerable when you come to terms with the natural pecking order. Defer to your elders, and do the best job you can as a subordinate. Stardom will soon be yours.

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Actively pursuing a cherished goal gives you a welcome sense of direction. You're no longer content to sit around and dream of some distant day of glory. Ridding yourself of debt should be a top priority. Although this goal may seem impossible at first, it won't once you start paying off bills one by one. Send in a little more than the minimum balance each month. If you're seriously behind, consult a financial advisor.

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Don't make any grandiose promises you can't keep, or your reputation will suffer. You may feel tempted to outperform a colleague who is constantly bragging. That's understandable, since you're probably much more capable. However, you need to pick your battles carefully. Wait until this person is in a vulnerable position before challenging their abilities. In the meantime, improve your knowledge of an emerging technology.

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You don't appreciate having unpleasant news broken to you at the last minute. Instead of showing your anger, though, pretend that you're perfectly content to deal with these changes. Not only will your attitude confound your enemies, it will buy you time to make an alternate plan. There's no reason you should subject yourself to this unpleasant atmosphere. Look for better opportunities that challenge your intellect.

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Conflicts over inheritances or shared resources cause undue stress in your life. Although you have strong feelings about this matter, you can't afford to let this problem poison other areas of your life. Make time for a favourite activity toward the end of the day. Having something to look forward to will help you cope with any tension that is building. A partner's erratic behaviour is best ignored; this is just a negative ploy for attention.

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A job that you once took for granted could suddenly vanish into thin air. Don't waste time lamenting over this situation. Instead, find a way that is spiritually enriching to fill your free time. Rediscovering a hobby or creative talent could give you a whole new lease on life. Turn a deaf ear to a close friend's warnings of impending doom. They're just worried about your security. Opportunities will arrive if you stay optimistic.

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Beware of falling into the orbit of a quirky rebel, or your heart could be broken. You've always admired outspoken people, wishing that you could be that daring yourself. Instead of standing in somebody else's shadow, why not assert your own opinions? This will be difficult at first, since you're so intent on creating harmony wherever you go. However, once you start challenging the status quo, you'll feel marvellously liberated.

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Jealousy could spoil a budding relationship, so try not to buy into nasty suspicions. These feelings are rooted in a need for reassurance. When these emotions bubble to the surface, ask a friend for some tender loving care. Sudden variations in your household routine could make you more nervous than usual. It may be best to stay with a relative until things get back to normal. Protect yourself against stressful situations.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your unusual way of doing things doesn't win favour with neighbours and close relatives. It may seem as though you're being persecuted for not doing things by the book. Rather than flaunting your unorthodox methods, conduct your business in private. Creating a secluded work space in your home will enable you to develop ideas without fear of criticism. It's not easy being different, but it's better than being predictable!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Take care not to jump to conclusions, or you could do serious damage to a relationship. It's easy to get frustrated with somebody who seems to be their own worst enemy. However, venting your anger at this person will only compound the problem. Try offering exciting incentives that will prevent your loved one from repeating destructive patterns. Don't take any financial risks today, no matter how tempting a prospect may sound.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Impulse buying won't satisfy your need to be accepted, so leave your credit cards at home. Sometimes it feels as though you'll never get a handle on all the trends that captivate the public. That's because you're an independent soul who prefers keeping your own counsel to following silly fads. If somebody pokes fun at your appearance, refuse to be embarrassed. Be proud of your individuality; it's a strength, not a weakness.

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Your headstrong attitude could get you into lots of trouble today, especially with authority figures. Instead of stubbornly sticking to a plan of action, try doing things their way. The results may not be spectacular, but at least you will have demonstrated that you are capable of taking direction. Ignore an impulse to quit and go off on your own. You can heal your wounded ego by spending time on a favourite hobby after hours.

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