
It might seem as if everything and everyone is conspiring against your need for a little peace and quiet today. You so want to be calm but there's a tempest of conflicting emotions raging within you and you're finding your temper difficult to control. A situation causing you confusion or uncertainty needs resolution. Friends will be supportive if you share your worries with them.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Take the chance to become actively involved in the community or within a group of like minded people. This could turn out to be the most rewarding work you have done for a long time. Getting together with people with common interests is a way to make circumstances work for your benefit. You might notice an improvement in the quality of your life because of the positive influence of the people you are involved with now.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your patience is stretched to the limit when someone makes a song and dance over a small incident. An associate is inflexible or they are making extreme statements that make no sense. Life would be far easier if you didn't have to deal with this kind of aggravation. Requests are turned down because they're against company policy or against the rules but these are no more than arguments to cover someone's laziness or lack of commitment.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Whatever you want done will get done today either by you or someone you can rely on. The path won't be smooth and you might come across some restrictions in the form of an older person or some frustrating rules and regulations. So keep your eyes open and watch out for adversaries. Even so with you feeling so determined, when all is said and done, they will be no match for you.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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If you don't put aside what you are doing when someone wants to talk to you they will feel you aren't listening. You might not agree with their views and opinions but at least hear them out before you respond. Money trends are more positive now and you and a partner might come up with a new scheme for increasing your joint income. Your relationship with an elderly relative might come under something of a cloud this evening.

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Whether you're involved in a work or leisure pursuit, it is the pleasure you're getting out of it that's important now. A small achievement might seem trivial to other people but don't they know size doesn't matter! It may have taken a huge effort to bring about a small triumph and because of the work that has gone into it, you are all the more proud of today's accomplishments.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You must make a choice between two alternatives and since you can't have both, take your pick. Hesitate for too long and someone else will make the decision for you or, worse still, an offer will be withdrawn. If there is something about a situation you don't understand, ask for it to be clarified. If you aren't happy about a current arrangement, is there room for negotiation?

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You need to know a deal you are making is not just good for you but good for your partner too. Today might bring a bit of a sensitive time when you are so close to the point of making a long term commitment everyone's feeling nervous and unsure about. You are receptive to non verbal cues from others and your understanding will help strengthen bonds between you and a partner or friend.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Others can't miss the serious mood you are emanating now. You will do whatever it takes to get things done. If those sharing your commitments aren't putting in the effort, you will feel they're letting you down. Since you aren't likely to watch projects founder you will continue to give it your all. In a work situation avoid making changes without considering the consequences; wait for the best openings.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You might be spending a lot of time trying to make a loved one happy only you efforts seem to be getting you nowhere. If certain tactics aren't working ask an imaginative friend for ideas on new strategies. It could be you're trying too hard to please other people. Now is the time to bring attention to your own needs and preferences and to see how you can address them.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Looking into ways to save energy in the home might also save you some money. Taking a few simple measures could reduce your bills and this will also please a thrifty member of your household. Responding positively to the hopes and expectations of your family will do a lot to enhance harmony within the home. Your ability to size people up will come in useful later in the day.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It isn't listening to tittle-tattle that keeps you informed, today you learn more by keeping to the background. The gossip mongers are likely to bore you silly anyway when it is obvious someone is embroidering the truth. If someone wants an answer from you, don't make hasty decisions to get them off your back. No matter what the issue, you need some thinking time as you don't want to give the wrong response.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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