
You have a golden opportunity to resolve a domestic conflict. It's possible that a parent or elder has been making you feel inferior. In the past, you've been hesitant to fight back, believing that it was more important to respect this person's experience than challenge their words. Today, however, you'll be able to defend yourself without seeming petulant or foolish. This marks an impressive turning point. Give yourself a pat on the back.

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Interactions with a sister, brother, or neighbour may have been difficult these past two years. Fortunately, you're starting to see some progress in this relationship. Perhaps you've changed the way you communicate your feelings. Maybe this person has become more open to your ideas. Whatever the reason for this change, it will allow you to make progress in other areas of life. Apply these lessons to your work and love lives.

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You've had to do a lot of monetary manoeuvring these past few years, which has been exhausting. Happily, your efforts are starting to pay off. Getting a cost-of-living raise is a distinct possibility. Alternatively, you may have found a job that pays more for the same amount of work. There's even a chance that a side business has taken off, allowing you to quit your day job. Take this opportunity to celebrate; you deserve it!

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Life has assumed a serious tone these past two years, which has made you much stronger. Now that the seasons are changing, you finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. You may have an opportunity to start your own business or leave a restrictive relationship behind and you can expect things to change over the coming weeks. In the meantime, make all the necessary preparations to enjoy a happier, healthier lifestyle.

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You've been in the process of eliminating people and activities that drain you of energy. Now you're starting to see the positive results of these painful endings. All of a sudden, you have more time to visit the people you love and perform the activities you adore. Don't be surprised if your cash flow starts to improve as a result. It's easier to find money-making opportunities when you're leading the life you want.

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Associating with people who are respected authorities in your field of interest is wise. By nurturing these relationships, you will attract opportunities that will help you up the ladder of success. Of course, you'll want to express your gratitude to the friends who have made these offers possible. Hand-written thank you notes and carefully selected gifts make a great impression. People love to be acknowledged for their good deeds.

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The powers that be have been putting a lot of pressure on you, making life a bit stressful on the career front. Fortunately, you were able to rise to these challenges quite admirably. Now you're being rewarded with some extra perks and free time. This is a wonderful time to take an extended holiday. While it's true there is still much work to be done, it will wait until you return. Take this opportunity to decompress.

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For the past two years, you've been busy expanding your horizons in serious ways. Perhaps you've been mastering a foreign language. Maybe you've been working towards a degree. It's even possible you were forced to take a job far away from home as a means to acquire experience and although the road has been rocky, you are starting to see the fruits of your labour. Your social network has especially improved.

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Making changes to your financial situation has forced you to live within your means and while this may be a foreign concept in this age of credit cards, it has given you valuable skills. While everybody else is yearning to acquire more possessions, you're busy thinking of ways to make your resources stretch further. This tendency will make it easier for you to afford things that give you long-term happiness, rather than fleeting pleasure.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Turbulence in a close relationship has made you reconsider your emotional priorities. In the past, you valued security over adventure. That's started to change now that you've seen the perils of getting stuck in a boring routine. Being more open to new experiences will improve your romantic prospects, and enrich any existing relationships that have been withering on the vine. Be a little more open-minded, especially where sex is concerned.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting more disciplined about fitness has paid off over the past two years. You've learned that there is a direct correlation between your emotional health and physical strength. Working out makes you feel better. Similarly, adopting an optimistic attitude gives you renewed energy. Now that you're taking better care of your body, it will be easier to cultivate intimacy in a close relationship. It's time to connect with your sexual side.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Playing around with regard to relationships isn't as fun as it used to be. It feel as though you've grown up quite a bit these past two years. Suddenly, you're ready to settle down with someone special. If you don't have a lover, you may want to take some art classes. You could meet someone who is both practical and imaginative at a painting or photography course. Get ready to lose your heart.

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