
Colleagues aren't especially cooperative, and you may be forced to assume a lion's share of work today. Fortunately, you're able to laugh off the pressure with sympathetic friends. A heated exchange with a brainy individual causes your pulse to pound. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in a passionate clinch at the end of the day. Whatever happens, don't pretend to know more than you really do, or your bluff will be called.

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It's hard not to be jealous of people who enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. Deep down inside, you know that you were meant for such riches. Rather than dwelling on your lack of wealth, focus on what you do have. This will drive resentments from your relationships and help you reach your material goals. Lovers and children are quite needy now, and won't be prepared to give you the support you need. Summon your nurturing skills.

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Lots of golden opportunities have come your way, which makes this a joyous time. However, a loved one who has been standing in your shadow is growing resentful. Take time out of your busy schedule to coddle and pamper your partner. Otherwise, your romance could wither on the vine. If you don't have anyone special in your life, it may be because you're unwilling to take the focus off of yourself.

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You put your heart and soul in your work, which brings financial rewards, but your hectic job doesn't leave much time for social activity. You may have to cancel plans to visit a friend or curtail a fun holiday. Carving out more private time is essential to your mental and spiritual health. A sensual encounter could prompt you to rethink your priorities. Consider how your career could suffer if you're not emotionally satisfied.

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Your energy and drive is enormously sexy; it should be no trouble attracting a partner today. If you're already in a relationship, enjoy an evening of intimate delights. Put the kids to bed early, turn the phone off, and draw the shades. Your mutual devotion will offset any financial shortcomings you're experiencing. Finding ways to be more resourceful will only strengthen your love for one another. Spend less time socialising and more time nuzzling.

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Being overly accommodating with relatives could cause more harm than good. You've got to push a loved one to stand on their own two feet or they'll grow overly dependent on you. And while this makes you feel needed and wanted, it could also give birth to an ugly resentment. You're better off listening to your subconscious and spending time on your own. Cut those ties that bind; you need to promote self-sufficiency.

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Saying one thing and doing another can get you into lots of trouble, especially with regard to romance. You can't hold a lover to one set of rules and then follow another. If somebody accuses you of underhanded behaviour, don't get defensive. Instead, accept the claims that are true and vow to change. Adopting a more honest approach will create a new closeness between you and your beloved. Relationships with children will also improve.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A desire for fame, status, and prominence draws you out of your shell today. Normally, you prefer to lurk in the shadows, gathering information on others while giving away nothing about yourself. Right now you've got to put yourself on display if you're going to get the acclaim you deserve. Friends will scratch their heads at your unusual behaviour, but you secretly love mystifying them. Don't put any stock in seductive promises.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Following the rules is essential if you're going to win an extra measure of freedom at work. Don't expect to be given special treatment until you prove that you're capable of carrying out orders. You may be forced to put in some overtime or sacrifice personal plans for the sake of your job. The more cooperative you are, the easier it will be to rise to the top of your profession. Romance isn't favoured today.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're not particularly open to new viewpoints right now, and stay away from unfamiliar environments. In fact, you may feel tempted to retreat into your own private shell, gorging on rich comfort foods and avoiding the glare of the spotlight. Before you build walls around yourself, consider how your isolation gets in the way of your ultimate goals. If you want to attract love, you'll have to take some risks.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Sympathy from friends helps you to cope with financial pressure. Everybody's been in a similar position before. The key is to recognise your problem and make plans to get out of debt. Don't let a child or lover tempt you into making expensive purchases now. Until you've paid your bills, you can still pamper yourself with inexpensive delights, like trips to the library and museum. Free yourself from the clutch of credit cards.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've got great instincts when it comes to work, which makes this an ideal day for job interviews. If you're already employed, try working behind-the-scenes. This will enable you to put a creative twist on a time-honoured practice. Your boundless energy will enable you to overcome stubborn obstacles that paralysed you in the past. Joining a gym or stepping up your fitness routine will have physical and spiritual benefits.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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