
Beware of entering into a new alliance. The person you're dealing with is extremely dependent. Having to do all the heavy lifting in this partnership will cause resentment. It would be better to go solo until you find a collaborator who is highly self-sufficient. This way, you can divide the work evenly between you. Someone in authority might think you're being too picky about your alliances. There's a good reason for this. You have no tolerance for lazy layabouts.

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A deadline is looming. It's more important to meet it than render a perfect performance. Don't waste time on inconsequential details. You'll have to postpone a romantic outing to finish this job in a timely fashion. Although your partner will be disappointed, it can't be helped. Don't risk your professional reputation. Avoid an annoying colleague who is always trying to distract you from your duties. They're secretly gunning for your job. You're in an enviable position; don't jeopardise it.

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A desire to be admired and appreciated could cause you to make a professional mistake. Don't bend the rules to satisfy an attractive customer. Not only is this unfair, but it will get you into a lot of trouble. Your employer trusts you to follow procedure. Playing fast and loose with the rules will expose you as unreliable. If you want to impress someone, arrange a special outing in your spare time. Mixing your private and public lives will create unnecessary complications.

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Take better care of your health. The holiday season is approaching, putting you in the path of continual temptation. Set limits on eating and drinking. It can help to have a healthy snack before attending parties and professional gathering. Limiting your alcohol intake is also advised. There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, but you have to know your limits. Feeling well will help you make a good impression on someone who can further your career prospects.

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Buying a person's affection isn't working. If you're interested in winning someone's heart, do it through words and actions, not gifts. You deserve to be loved for who you are, not for what you can buy. Are you already in a relationship? Your love life will improve by spending more quality time together. Express an interest in your partner's hopes, dreams and fears. Be an attentive listener and do whatever you can to support their goals. The strongest relationships are based on mutual respect.

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Trying to shield your family from trouble will only compound their problems. It's important to let relatives fend for themselves. By showing faith in their decisions, your nearest and dearest will rise to any challenge. You can always offer moral support and a sympathetic ear. A romantic partner will be relieved to see you establishing healthy boundaries with your kin. Being constantly on call for your relatives has driven a wedge between you and your amour. It's time to rearrange your priorities.

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You've been dragging your feet about an important decision. Stop deliberating and make a choice. Flip a coin if you must. The sooner you move forward, the easier it will be to resolve a health problem. A nagging ache or pain has its source in anxiety. You'll stop worrying as soon as you take control of your destiny. If you've been thinking about leaving a stressful job, start applying for other jobs. It's easier to find a position when you already have one.

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Don't place so much emphasis on material comfort. Even if you're struggling to make ends meet, you can still take great pleasure from life. Make a list of inexpensive activities you enjoy. Reading, nature walks and drawing are all things you can do to make daily life better. Resist the temptation to take a nerve wracking job that pays well. You're better off doing work that allows you to conserve energy for the people and pursuits you love best.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're intent on getting what you want. This can make others feel used and abused. Instead of pushing a loved one down a path they don't want to travel, make a strategic retreat. There's a good chance they'll take a position that is inconvenient for you. Try not to be angry. You can't expect things to go your way all the time. Rather than throw a tantrum, see what you can do about forging a compromise. The middle road will be the most satisfying one for all involved.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're not feeling very sociable right now. Push yourself to attend a party anyway. Your best luck lies in forming ties to influential people in your community. Wear an outfit that makes you feel both attractive and comfortable. This will make it easier to introduce yourself to other guests. You'll be delighted to discover many common interests with a prominent business executive. With this bigwig in your corner, you'll be able to launch an effective promotional campaign.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't insist on being a free agent. A prospective employer needs a team player. Asking for special privileges will make your colleagues resent you. Focus on doing a good job and paying your dues. After you've established yourself as a trustworthy worker, you can negotiate a better arrangement. Take this as an opportunity to forge good relationships with your peers. These alliances will contribute greatly to your ultimate success. If you're going to be an island, build some bridges.

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Throwing your weight around will reflect badly on you. Don't demand special favours, even if you're able to get them. Adopting a humble attitude will impress people who are considering you for an important job. One of the reasons you're an attractive candidate is your preference for keeping a low profile. Drawing attention to yourself will put you out of the running. It's always tempting to elbow your way to the front of the queue, but it's never wise.

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