
Fighting for a group that is less fortunate than you is satisfying. You have the makings of a superhero. Maybe it's because you can't stand bullies. Perhaps it's due to your natural courage. Whatever the reason, you have the power to balance the scales of justice. You may want to keep these activities secret. If relatives get wind of what you've been doing, they'll try to stop you. They're always worried you are putting yourself in danger. What they don't realise is you thrive on adventure.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Pursuing a goal will require a great deal of energy and drive. As a general rule, you prefer to take a leisurely pace. That won't be possible with this endeavour. Time is of the essence. A rival is plotting to steal your thunder. Apply for a grant or scholarship, buy the necessary materials and take the first step towards your dream. If you keep waiting for a more beneficial time, you'll never get started. Pattern your behaviour after an energetic Aries who has a list of impressive accomplishments.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Taking charge of a group project will be stimulating. You know which jobs to assign to each member of the team. Thanks to your energy and enthusiasm, the work will be finished in no time flat. Be sure to spring for dinner afterwards. You don't have to do anything fancy. People will appreciate it if you buy a few pizzas. There's nothing more satisfying than enjoying a good meal after a hard day's work. Expect to see these participants again; they enjoy your company and vice-versa.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You'll be thrust in an unfamiliar environment. Normally, this makes you nervous. Now you welcome a change of pace. Learning about a different culture or religion gives you the travel bug. Planning a trip abroad fuels your enthusiasm for life. Take along a friend who is adventurous. Your loved one will help you conquer fears and take full advantage of this incredible experience. It's not that you're not open minded; you are just shy about venturing into strange territory.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your desire for love is at an all time high. If you're single, you should enhance your most attractive qualities. Wear colours to enhance your complexion. Choose styles that accentuate the favourite parts of your body. Cultivate your conversational skills so you can talk with anybody about anything. Pretty soon, you'll have your pick of several admirers. Are you already in a relationship? Make a sexy overture towards your amour. The two of you will have fun exploring new lovemaking techniques.

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Working with a partner will be rewarding. It's a relief to have someone attend to the big jobs while you focus on the small details. Writing, research and communications are your forte. Your comrade is better at sales and promotion. Together, you will turn a handsome profit. If you're an artist, this would be a good time to hire an agent or manager. Let someone else handle the business side of your career while you develop you natural talent.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Ramping up your exercise routine is advised. The healthier you are, the more productive you will become. Pretty soon, you'll be able to double your productivity. This will put more money in your bank account. Use these funds to buy an appliance, car, or computer that will make your daily life much easier. You're tired of dealing with substandard equipment that keeps breaking. Although you'd rather buy something that was pretty or luxurious, you really need to invest in a technological upgrade.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're extremely competitive right now. Entering a contest will be a good use of your restless energy. Showing off your superior skills will attract a loyal following. Pretty soon, word will spread of your talent and you'll be offered some lucrative jobs. Getting paid to put your creativity to good use will be the answer to a prayer. If you're working for an ungrateful employer, you might want to launch your own business. Pretty soon, you'll beat your former boss at their own game.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Withdrawing from public life and working on a home improvement project will be a wise move now. You love finding ways to make your home look better and feel more comfortable. If you're not sure where to begin, ask a tasteful Libra for advice. They'll have great suggestions about colour combinations, textiles and artwork. Creating a relaxing haven from the outside world will prompt you to spend more time at home. Even a social butterfly like you needs to rest your wings from time to time.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Be direct with someone who has the ability to help you. Beating around the bush will only annoy and frustrate an executive. Remember, their time is precious. Although you don't like being blunt, you have to admit that the sooner you ask for what you want, the faster you'll be put on the path to success. Offering help in an emergency situation will win points with this bigwig. You're always calm in a crisis and you can usually make order out of chaos.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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This is one of those times when you have to spend money to make it. Investing in a computer, smart phone, or high speed Internet connection is critical to your career success. At first, you'll balk at the expense. Once you experience how much easier your life becomes as a result of this outlay, you'll stop regretting it. If you're not happy with your current job, look for a new one. Keep your existing position. It's easier to find a position when you're already employed.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have no intention of taking advice from others. Rely on your own intuition for direction. You've been thinking about furthering yourself in some way. Getting an advanced degree, publishing a piece of writing or touring an ancient city are among the possibilities. Cautious friends will warn you against taking a risk. Although they mean well, their attitude will hold you back from success. You've got to take a gamble if you're going to move forward. Summon your courage and get started.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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