
Ideas that a colleague or fellow student puts forward are almost a carbon copy of your own. Cast your mind back to recent conversations and notice how they've been subtly picking your brains. You are in top form mentally and you won't let them get away with this. You will have plenty more ideas where these came from. Once they have said their piece, you will suggest an even more superior proposal. Since you last talked, you have had a chance to think and you've come up with something even better.

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Someone in the background disapproves of what you're doing; you can't see what it is they think you are doing wrong. Being honest and asking exactly what they are objecting to will be the fastest way of resolving this misunderstanding. You can't work or mix with people who always try to put you down. Neither do you intend to refine skills because someone seems to think they're inadequate. If you are happy you won't allow anyone to belittle you.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Any foundations recently laid for future plans will now start to take shape. With a little help, the whole scheme will take off in a big way. After accepting some people's advice and some practical help from others you will reach a point where you need to spend time working on your own. You have nothing against the quality of work or the enthusiasm of those around you. It's just that for a short while you need to test yourself to be certain you can also manage alone.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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These days it comes easy to you to tune into a friend or loved one's thoughts. The surprise they show at your comments and their questions about how you know what they're thinking is proof of how in tune you are with them. Whether you're dealing with professionals, your friends or your more intimate companions others will find you a comfort to be with. The reason why people seek out our company is obvious. They appreciate your sensitivity and the wisdom of your advice.

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Someone close is not in the mood for jokes or witty remarks; their dull company will get you down. If you're attempting to cheer them up but they remain miserable, try a change of tactics. Get them to talk and share their feelings. Only through understanding what they are going through will you be able to help. Occasionally it is better to leave others to their own devices rather than put up with their gloomy company. If you must spend the day together choose your words with care.

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Push those uncertainties you feel about a friend or loved one's loyalty to the back of your mind. Rest assured your doubts will have dispersed by the end of the day. A meeting will take up more time than initially thought but you won't be disappointed. Comments made by others about something you have recently said or done make it clear how much they respect you. A job interview or a meeting with a teacher at your child's school if you are a parent will leave you with some new ideas to consider.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Take a few deep breaths when you feel nervous and tell yourself that very soon a difficult situation will be over. Record your experiences in a diary if so much is going on you can't take it all in. When it all calm downs, you will have something to look back on and this will help you adapt to what does occur more easily. A place near water, either a lake or the sea, keeps preying on your mind and it is likely you will be visiting this venue soon.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Problems crop up with alarming regularity making routine chores seem like something more challenging. A chance meeting with someone you have always admired will give you a jolt. Something they say will make you realise you have lost sight of some of your personal objectives. Take advantage of this contact as they have the knowledge and experience to help you renew your efforts in this direction. You will enjoy showing people you've got what it takes to succeed.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It won't be a good idea to take up a risky and costly pastime just to satisfy a craving for excitement. Admit to the sense of toning down your enthusiasm to hunt for more way out means of passing the time. Instead, why not join a friend at your local sports club? Or a long brisk walk would be another way of burning up all your extra energy. Look for less costly means of whiling away the hours and these could turn out to be a lot more fun than those more expensive pastimes.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Catch up on outstanding matters and clear the decks at work. Once routine tasks are out of the way, you will get the opportunity to work on a new and inspiring project. This offer or assignment will be tailor made for you and will give you a chance to make the most of your creativity. Now is the time to push yourself forward so as to gain more recognition for your talents. It will be interesting to see the results of your more sociable approach to certain areas.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Gossip is all around you now and the rumours you hear are intriguing. Activities are bringing you into contact with a number of interesting people. Snippets of information and tips you're being given could come in useful for a later date. Start off conversations, get people talking and you could hear even more concerning the subject you find fascinating. Whether this is a person, situation or a past or forthcoming event, the more you hear, the more your curiosity will be aroused!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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An introduction could spark off some fairly dramatic changes. If you are single, an intensely attractive person could express a romantic interest in you. It could well be a case of love at first sight! If you already have a partner, savour the knowledge that you haven't lost your powers of attraction. Friendships are also developing quickly on the career stage. Even if it doesn't seem like a smart idea to mix business with pleasure, you're going to do it anyway!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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