
Someone who tries to force their opinions onto you is making a big mistake. What they don't realise is that you respect them for having firm convictions but you don't appreciate the way they seem to think they can convert you to their point of view. The more they try to press their point, the more you are likely to walk away.

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You are easily distracted and someone will take advantage of this by trying to get you to agree to something that isn't as practical as it sounds. If a scheme they put forward is still in its trial stage, this is not a good time to commit to anything. Wait for the results before you decide whether you want to invest in a new project.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Getting through life's challenges won't be easy. It will feel as if your life has been turned upside down. Everything has changed. You might suddenly find yourself out of a job or there may have been a relationship break down. Don't try to hide your feelings. People will understand. Take it slowly and somehow you will find a way through.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't change careers, start a fitness program or take up a new hobby. It isn't too late to transform your life if this is what you really want to do. All it takes is finding the determination and willpower to turn your dreams into reality. Make a list of steps that can help you realise your goals.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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It's hard to do without luxuries especially when you are overdue for some pampering. You long for enough money to buy those little extravagances you like to enjoy. This may be difficult on your current salary and that's why you might be considering taking on a second job or making a career change.

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Someone's caginess will cause you to be more cautious about a risky venture. There will be disappointment when a friend or workmate fails to live up to your expectations. Your feelings for them are starting to change as you realise if they can let you down once, they can do so again in the future.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Before jumping in and taking up an exciting offer as you are tempted to do pause and take a deep breath. Listen to the advice of a practical friend. You need to consider the negatives as well as the positives. Does one outweigh the other? Will it be worth it? It's a day to look before you leap.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Being at your charming best will go a long way towards helping you achieve harmony in the home. Someone in the family will value your praise and the appreciative way you listen to their ideas. If you extend this to your working life your plans will gain the support of someone in a position of power.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Trying to figure out how something works is starting to frustrate you. You feel you're wasting time but this is a job that needs to be done. Why don't you ask someone who already knows as two heads are better than one. Joining forces with a friend or workmate will get the job done more quickly.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You will be asked to take on something you have never done before. No matter how nervous you might feel inside you should jump at this chance to gain new experience. This may mean seeing less of someone you care for but they will understand why this is important to you and you will be given support to achieve your aim.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An online interview may not work out as expected due to technical difficulties. A phone call will be frustrating when you can't seem to get a word in edgeways. A colleague who is playing one-upmanship games will get under your skin. It's not easy to shrug off such irritations with a smile.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your threshold for boredom is low. You're trying to show an interest in routine work but it really doesn't excite you anymore. You would rather be enjoying a variety of experiences than having to focus on any specific task or area. Find a positive outlet for your nervous energy.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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