
An older or more senior colleague is pushing their weight around. You might feel oppressed by their management style and the tension rubs off on those around you. Your younger workmates are starting to feel restrained by you. Make it a priority to consider regular routines that don't seem to be working properly. You might come up with a way of improving work methods and keeping everybody happy!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Swim with the financial tide rather than make any dramatic monetary changes of your own. If you're able to solve the problems which crop up during the daylight hours, the last thing you want in the evening is to socialise or join friends who are bent on making the most festive celebrations around your neighbourhood. Opt for a peaceful few hours soaking in the bath or reading a good book instead.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're keen to improve your prestige or better your position in life; now is the time to mix and mingle. Even so choose words carefully when associating with colleagues you've yet to get to know. Leave out a certain person's name in conversations if you know them to have caused some recent trouble. Evening is likely to find you in a laid back mood but curb indulgence of any kind.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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If you're offered the chance to get closer to someone you fancy, forget your inhibitions and let your feelings show. Reticence will get you nowhere. You're more aware of your inner being and spirituality. Dreams, astral experiences and intuitive sensitivity put you in touch with new spiritual dimensions. Close friendships within a religious group blossom.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Issues need resolving, a contention can no longer be evaded; avoidance is not a sensible option. You're up against as strong and positive a personality as yours. Proving them wrong will not be as complicated as you think. Even so, it's tricky business to get your point of view over without seeming arrogant. Don't avoid sharing your motives; that way people will understand your line of reasoning.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Social plans are reshuffled for the sake of domestic peace. You might miss out on attending a festive event you could have found useful. Housemates with problems need all the support they can muster. You will willingly make the sacrifice as loved ones depend on you not to let them down. Some areas of your life need more attention than they've recently been getting; it is time to make necessary adjustments.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Wait and see what happens before you let other people know your affairs and what you are planning. If you're going for an interview or to view a house that's just come up on the market, the whole world doesn't have to know. Keep things to yourself until you're more certain where you are going. Until then, others should be told only the barest of details. Romance is bliss; a message in a Christmas card leads to extra developments.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Agree a Christmas budget with anyone who has a say in the matter or money that comes in quickly will go out the same way. Foolish extravagance will be regretted once the festivities are over. A new job project isn't going as expected. Discussing the problem might help but don't assume anyone else will offer to fix your problems. Some things you're left to sort out by yourself.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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News received will be of some importance to your current long term goals. This might be confirmation you've been accepted on a study or training course or your plans may include making some more definite kind of changes on the career front. The chance of an interview or an offer of a new post will give you a lot to be optimistic about. You can't help but feel proud of your achievement.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Where there is an invisible barrier between you and another, you must use charm and patience to break through it. You may be inclined to give a Christmas do a miss; you could be turning down a great opportunity. If you're single it might have seemed like fighting a losing battle trying to get someone special to agree to go out with you. Without any effort this evening, they may change their mind. Don't question the fact, take advantage!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A little flattery and good humour could get you a long way towards achieving harmony and accord. On the job scene, use these methods if you're keen to keep those in senior positions cooperative about a coming festive get together. Someone feels put on but it seems others have been taking their generosity for granted. Once they own up to the fact, a disputation can be resolved.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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There's a big difference between using your imagination and allowing wishful thinking to get the better of you. With your natural creative ability, try to stay within practical boundaries. It shouldn't be difficult to channel an abundance of bright, creative festive ideas in a sensible direction. Play it cool if you're single and aiming to get a new romance off the ground.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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