
It's difficult to make ends meet. You will have to find another source of income to get on sturdier ground. Scaling back your spending is also necessary. The prospect of living on a shoestring budget may appeal to your adventurous side. If you set small goals over a long period of time, you will be able to vanquish this difficult situation. A government programme can also offer valuable assistance while you get back on your feet. Use all the help at your disposal.

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You're not ready to trust someone who has recently tried to befriend you. Keep your defences up. The best way to evaluate a person's character is to observe how their actions match their words. If there's a discrepancy, you should keep your distance. Don't sign a contract or enter into a professional agreement, even if it means losing money. Friends who have proven their loyalty are ready to help you with a daring plan. Take this opportunity to realise a dream you've had since childhood.

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Don't push yourself too hard at work or your health could suffer. Get as much sleep as possible. If you're suffering from anxiety, start practicing some relaxation techniques. They can help replace fear with acceptance. It is much easier to attract opportunity when you are optimistic. The opportunity to land an impressive job is on the horizon. Be ready to apply for it. You'll fare very well at a company that rewards ingenuity. You're tired of dead end jobs that involve boring routines.

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It's hard struggling with a creative block. Instead of trying to find a solution, direct your attention elsewhere. A breakthrough could occur while you're folding laundry or shopping for groceries. If your imagination continues to fail you, perform simple artistic exercises to keep you limber. Make an entry in your diary. Execute a few quick sketches. Practice some piano scales. Maintaining contact with the tools of your trade will prime the pump. Soon, you'll be producing great work again.

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Usually you are very confident. That's not the case now. Negative feedback has caused you to question your talent. It's hard to take chances because you're afraid of looking foolish. Think about the cautious people in your life. Are they leading rewarding lives? Do you think you will benefit from adopting their attitude? You've always fared best when you have taken bold risks. When someone tries to rain on your parade, put up an umbrella and continue along your merry way.

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A negative outlook will undermine your success. Even if you've experienced some disappointment, that's no reason to abandon your dreams. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner will offer plenty of moral support. Lean on this loved one when your courage starts to fail. You can reach a goal, but it may take longer than you expected. That's why it's so important to enjoy the journey instead of focusing on the destination. You might as well have fun while you're working.

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A source of income is starting to dry up. Before you panic, survey the landscape. There may be moneymaking opportunities you hadn't noticed until now. Apply for work at a hospital, university or government agency. Big bureaucracies often give big benefits to their employees. Being able to contribute a retirement fund will create long term security. This may not be the most scintillating job you've ever held, but it will give you an added measure of comfort.

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It's been a long time since you've taken a break. If you continue to work at this accelerated pace, you'll suffer from burnout. Take some time off work and have some fun. Rent some good movies, visit a museum or go to a concert. Browsing through antique stores can be fun, too. Do whatever makes you forget about money, responsibility and status. By the time you emerge from this reverie, you'll be energised and productive. Satisfy your spiritual need for leisure.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You feel lonely and isolated. It's hard to be a member of your family sometimes. You've always been the odd duck, which is stressful. Trying to fit in is an exercise in futility. Be proud of your individuality. Continue to pursue your dreams. Don't apologise for having unusual interests. The sooner you are at peace with yourself, the more supportive your relatives will be. You might be surprised to discover how many people secretly admire your willingness to be different.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It feels like friends are few and far between. If you're not getting the help you need, ask why. It may be because you have been so preoccupied with work. Skipping special occasions and failing to return phone calls causes resentment. You have to be more engaged to sustain loving bonds. Call someone you've missed. It may take a few tries, but it's worth the effort. Be forthright about why you have been out of touch. Communication is the cornerstone of every healthy relationship.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're starting to think you will never get ahead. If you're in a dead end situation, you owe it to yourself to get out. Whether this means leaving an oppressive job, relationship or living situation is immaterial. The important thing is to turn your back on oppression and move towards the light. You might have to struggle to make ends meet, but that doesn't worry you. Losing a few friends is also possible. These will be minor sacrifices. Focus like a laser on attaining health and happiness.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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The thought of leaving a comfortable situation is terrifying. Nothing lasts forever. If you force yourself to try something new, you will be pleasantly surprised. Stop neglecting your potential. Acquiring some skills and experience will give you the freedom to find rewarding work. You're not meant to lead a conventional life. You should be exercising your imagination and making the world a better place. Working for a charitable organisation would be a good use of your talent.

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