
The way someone phrases a question makes you wonder if they're asking something entirely different. A few questions of your own will confirm you've successfully read between the lines. How you respond to their enquiries will determine the next stage of this relationship. The implication of it all will take you by surprise and for that reason you should be careful about your answers! An evening get together will be more fun than expected.

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Trying to be someone else isn't going to work if you're hoping to make a good impression. Sooner or later the act will be discovered for what it is. You don't have to be outgoing or look like a movie star to get someone to like you. Just be yourself! If you always feel you have to put on an act the next question to ask yourself is: are you trying to please the type of person you don't really want to be with anyway? You have some deep thinking to do.

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A long text message as an apology or explanation about a recent incident will still leave a lot of blank spaces. It might seem like the best way to communicate but is it? Even if you express yourself well, the recipient may not find it as easy to use the right words or correct punctuation. Misunderstandings can occur from what had been an attempt to put things right between you. If you have something important to say to someone, tell them to their face!

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You aren't in the mood to discuss concerns that have nothing to do with problems you are trying to sort out. You don't want to deal with anything that's irrelevant. Some people aren't able to differentiate between what's important and what's not. Removing yourself from a situation to work on serious issues, alone could be the answer to your predicament. At least then you won't have to listen to pointless conversations.

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New experiences are about to begin; you have a lot to learn and it might feel like your life is a work in progress. You're ready to strike out in new directions even if a degree of risk is involved. Your destiny lies in taking a hard look at what you want to be, not who you currently are. Experimenting in new areas will bring its successes and its failures. Determination to succeed will provide you with the strength to overcome any obstacles.

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You might quickly dismiss someone as not being compatible because deep down, you just don't want to be with them. The absurdity of it all is if you took a little time to get to know each other, you would discover many similarities in your personalities and in the interests that you share. If you do one thing today that seems out of character, strike up a conversation with a newcomer. You will hear enough to want to meet up with them again.

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Set up boundaries early in a partnership, whether it has to do with your professional or personal life. This could help stop you running into future problems. People can be unpredictable and to take it for granted that you all understand each other from the start might be a big mistake. Cultural differences may be vast and could make life more interesting, but when times are tough, everyone should adhere to an accepted level of performance.

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Settling into a relationship just because it feels comfortable isn't always the best way to go. You know you can make it work but it might also feel as if you're giving up on your dreams and settling for second best. You shouldn't have to feel as if you're giving something up in order to enjoy a mediocre future with someone who is fairly compatible. You deserve more. If you have the slightest doubt about anything, do nothing.

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Failure may lead to momentary disappointment but you will learn a lot from this experience. Having to keep on trying until you get it right can be a valuable lesson that will help provide you with the strength to overcome future hurdles. Those who never fail, often crumble as soon as they meet the first real problem. Imagine yourself being the success you long to be and once you have this vision firmly in your mind, that's what you should work to become.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You shouldn't focus on your limitations; that's the wrong way to look at your future. Telling yourself you can't do it or that you aren't good enough stops you going after what you secretly yearn. Holding back from taking action through fear of failing could also restrict your true capabilities. There are ways of moving past your limitations so when you catch yourself holding back, change your mental outlook and go after what you want.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You don't know what you've got until it's gone! It's important to appreciate what you have and where you are. If you're single and looking for love, you're having such a good time searching that you aren't yet ready to settle down. You're enjoying your independence and you don't want to give it up, but one day you might wake up to discover you've been so engrossed in playing the search game that you've let the one who was right for you slip away.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Just because your efforts in certain areas have disappointed you, it doesn't mean you don't have any talent. In any work that is creative or relying on your innate skills, you could be setting far too high standards for yourself. Be realistic and know what's needed. Other people praise your work so why can't you? To acquire the internal fortitude to handle all life dishes out, you must first learn to love and appreciate yourself!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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