
Don't let curiosity prompt you to poke your nose where it doesn't belong. Searching through a loved one's belongings could cause serious damage to a good relationship. Everybody has a right to privacy, even your closest friends. You have a wonderful opportunity to establish long term financial security. Take out an insurance policy or open a savings account. You work too hard to have your future jeopardised by unforeseen circumstances. Never underestimate the power of a nest egg.

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You don't have as much money as you think for luxuries. It's better to conserve your resources, in case an emergency expense crops up. If you're having a hard time making ends meet, don't worry. Your best friend or romantic partner could receive a windfall. Their good fortune will spill into your bank account. Instead of splashing out on clothes, jewellery and toiletries, stash this money into an interest bearing bank account. You'll need this fund sooner than you think.

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Beware of saying something in anger you will later regret. It's easy to be frustrated with a relative who keeps changing their mind. You're anxious to embark on a plan, but can't move forward without your family member's approval. The best way to get the green light is to pretend to be utterly indifferent. Keep busy with work and household chores. By the time you cross the last item off your list of things to do, you'll get your loved one's approval.

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Working behind the scenes isn't terribly fulfilling. You're tired of not getting the proper credit for your contributions. Unfortunately, you can't go public with your efforts. Your employer is counting on your discretion. Instead of dwelling on your resentment, think about how much valuable experience you've acquired. If you play your cards right, you can teach some eager students the ropes. They'll appreciate your caring approach, while you'll enjoy their energy and enthusiasm. Don't be surprised if you fall in love with someone who is much older or younger.

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You're reluctant to learn new information that you're unsure you will use. You would far prefer channelling your intellectual energy into a game of skill. Unfortunately, you must master these skills if you are to do well at work. Even if you don't perform these tasks on a daily basis, they will be necessary to achieve expert status. Stop complaining and focus on your studies. It takes time for you to absorb information, so be patient. Take heart, Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Work is consuming too much time and attention. It's time to strike a better balance between your personal and professional lives. Get into the habit of making a diary entry each day. Having an outlet for your feelings will be liberating. Making gratitude lists can also lift your spirits. When you focus on the things that make life worthwhile, you can cultivate contentment. Minor problems that once drove you to distraction will become relatively insignificant.

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You have certain values that are unshakable. Unfortunately, some of your friends do not share them. This can be disillusioning. Instead of trying to convert them, just live and let live. It would be a very boring world if everybody had the same ideals. You might want to explore a job opportunity that will allow you to work for a good cause. It's not enough for you to simply earn a regular pay. You're intent on making a positive difference.

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Your anger could rage out of control. When you feel your emotional temperature start to rise, take a few deep breaths and count to ten. Arguing with an annoying colleague won't accomplish anything. You have some impressive goals in mind. Concentrate on turning these dreams into realities. Achieving an impressive victory may allow you to take a better job. At that point, you can bid a fond farewell to your tormentor. You might even thank them for inspiring you to move forward.

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It's hard to know how you feel about a confusing subject. There's so much written about this topic that it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. It may be best to table an important decision until later, when you feel more confident. Spending time on your own can be therapeutic. Lately, you've been making the rounds of a lot of parties and social gatherings. This has been fun but exhausting. Slow down so you can hear yourself think. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something.

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Dwelling too long on insignificant details can dampen someone's enthusiasm. If someone asks for your feedback, give an enthusiastic response. You may feel like a hypocrite, but think about the damage you will do by criticising a pet project. An accomplished friend will invite you to collaborate on a business venture. This will be a welcome opportunity to use your expertise to turn a tidy profit. You have great instincts about what sorts of products and services the public wants.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Resist the urge to cast aspersions at someone else's taste. Making fun of someone's favourite book or movie can be very hurtful. It's almost like insulting a dear relative. If you have higher standards, keep quiet. You can always discuss your favourite writers, filmmakers and artists with fellow enthusiasts. Joining a club will give lots of intellectual stimulation. Don't be surprised when you're asked to take the helm of this group. Your vision will steer them into some interesting waters.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't read too much meaning into a romantic partner's casual remark. You have a tendency to take things too personally. Accusing your loved one of bad motives will throw an unnecessary wrench in your relationship. When you feel anxious, pick up a challenging book or watch an epic movie. Getting lost in an engrossing story will be a welcome change of pace. You're tired of overanalysing your personal life. Change your focus and indulge in some escapism. You'll enjoy a break from reality.

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