
A tense family situation will come to a head. Try to control your temper. It's better to walk away from an irrational relative than engage in a heated debate. Fortunately, friends will be very supportive. Reach out to your social network when anxiety sets in. The people who know you best will have you laughing about the situation in no time. Think about spending less time with people who drain your energy and more with those who replenish it.

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Upsetting news feeds your fear. You have more options than you realise. Although it will be difficult, you can find a better career situation. It may be necessary to make some temporary financial sacrifices to undergo this transition. Don't let that stop you from finding work that is financially and spiritually rewarding. Summon your courage and move in a healthier direction. You'll feel immediately better. Your best friend or romantic partner will be extremely supportive.

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A cheque you've been expecting will be less than you anticipated. Let this be a lesson about setting prices in the future. If expenses have gone up, you will have to ask for a pay raise. It is important to be properly compensated for your work. Take your cues from a respected professional who is able to command a good salary. By offering premium services and reliable work, you can thrive in the tightest economy. Adopt a more focused approach to your job.

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You won't get the recognition you deserve for your professional contributions. This is the last straw. Finding another line of work will be liberating. Fortunately, you have lots of contacts who can help you land a terrific position. It will take time and patience to master your job. Once you learn the ropes, you'll be the most proficient employee in the entire organisation. At that point, you'll be given a series of promotions. Find a company where you can develop your leadership ability.

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Secrets will come tumbling out, causing you to see a leader in a whole new light. Let this be a lesson about idolising people. Although it's natural to admire accomplished individuals, you should always keep their humanity in mind. Everybody is subject to temptation. Your mission is to fulfil your potential without cutting corners. Although you won't achieve overnight success, you will earn the respect of an intelligent person who finds you very attractive. You could make a great couple.

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Your social circle is undergoing some dramatic changes. Someone whose company you once enjoyed is now bringing you down. Although you have tried to be supportive, these efforts have fallen flat. It may be time to cut ties and move on to greener pastures. You're a very sensitive person who hates to see others in pain. You cannot let your sympathetic attitude keep you from getting ahead. To build the satisfying home life you want, it is necessary to steer clear of toxic individuals.

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It seems like you've gone as far as you can in a particular field. Although the idea of change is distressing, it's better than spinning your wheels. Turn a deaf ear to an anxious friend who thinks you should stay where you are. It's important for a creative person like you to find challenging work. A steady job possibly advising, guiding or instructing others is worth pursuing. You'll enjoy working with people who are eager to explore new ideas, methods or techniques.

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The rewards you sought aren't as impressive as you expected. Don't make any hasty decisions, especially regarding work. It's better to keep a steady job than quit in a huff. Having a relatively easy position will give you more energy for domestic pursuits. Don't be surprised when you develop a passion for cooking, decorating or gardening. Creating a relaxing household will make you realise there are more important things than having a stimulating career.

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Financial obligations will force you to make some changes. Instead of expensive amusements, you should opt for other forms of entertainment. The library can be a great resource for you. Borrowing books and movies will give you the intellectual stimulation you crave without hurting your budget. When you want to socialise, invite friends over for a home cooked meal. Ask everybody to bring a side dish. It will help you save money without falling into obscurity.

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It is no longer possible to ignore partnership difficulties. You're tired of walking on eggshells to accommodate an irrational friend or colleague. You deserve to work with someone who respects your values. Don't be afraid to go solo. You've got a good head on your shoulders. Having a sounding board is nice, but you can trust your common sense when making decisions. If you've been offered a job, take it. This position will be a welcome distraction from your stressful personal life.

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A health problem has come to your attention. Learning to relax is critical to your wellbeing. Take this opportunity to establish a restful bedtime routine. Stay off your smartphone and computer for one full hour before retiring. Instead of bombarding your brain with information, you should be letting your subconscious wander. Don't be surprised when your creativity soars as a result of improved sleep. Nagging aches and pains also will subside. You should protect your health.

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A romantic relationship isn't all you thought it would be. For you to be truly happy, you require a creative outlet. Having a partner has its rewards, but it doesn't allow you to fully express your imagination. Only an artistic pursuit can accomplish this feat. Don't hesitate to enter a contest for prize money. Getting financially rewarded for your talent will boost your self confidence. It will also give you the courage to be more assertive at work. Your ideas are valuable.

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