
You long for adventure and excitement, but duty is calling today. Rather than fighting against your responsibilities, make the most of them. Otherwise, you will ruin what could be a productive time. Clear out your work space, attend to a health issue, or tackle a long list of chores. The longer you avoid such tasks, the harder it will be to enjoy yourself, anyway. Do yourself a favour and get down to overdue business.

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Financial extravagance isn't a substitute for happiness; resist the urge to go on a spending spree. You need to find out what the real source of your longing is. Perhaps you've been saddled with too many responsibilities. Maybe everybody is ignoring your needs. It's even possible your voice is being ignored. Whatever the reason for your frustration, you can overcome it. Give yourself permission to laugh and play. This takes courage, not money.

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Sacrificing your own needs to satisfy somebody else isn't paying off. The recipient of all your gifts isn't giving you the proper thanks. Rather than expending all this energy on them, do something nice for yourself. Devote your time to family pursuits. If you're not on good terms with your relatives, surround yourself with supportive friends. Their caring words will make you realise you don't have to bribe someone to love you.

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You may be tempted to overindulge in food or drink, which dulls your perceptions. Be mindful of how your public behaviour affects private opinions. Others aren't apt to admire you if they notice a lack of self-restraint. Of course, there's nothing wrong with treating yourself from time to time. Right now, however, you have an image to uphold. Model your behaviour on someone you've always admired and respected.

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Throwing away money on frivolous pursuits will lead to depression and anxiety. Don't feel pressured into buying the latest status symbols or going to high-priced restaurants. The fact is, your friends probably can't afford these amusements, either. By being the first one brave enough to forgo these pleasures, you'll win the respect of the entire crowd. If a child or lover grows petulant about your budget-minded ways, have a frank talk about finance.

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You long to cling to the comforts of home, but reality dictates that you have to make a public appearance. Right now, you're in heavy demand. You simply can't afford to take your popularity for granted. Postpone your personal plans and hobnob with colleagues, friends or neighbours. Do your best to make a favourable impression, and try not to dwell on what you could otherwise be doing. People can sense false enthusiasm.

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Be careful about indulging in idle gossip, or you could blurt out privileged information. You wouldn't want to destroy the trust that exists between you and a friend. Besides, spending all day on the phone will prevent you from enjoying what could be a very pleasurable day. A short trip to a neighbouring town may be just what you need to clear your head of anxiety. Give yourself a break from the old routine.

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Neither a lender nor a borrower be, or you could invite plenty of trouble. It's hard to resist the pleas of a friend who has fallen on hard times, but consider how many relationships have been destroyed over money issues. If you're the one in need of funds, find another means to meet your bills. Taking a low-paying temporary job is preferable to being indebted to a loved one. Put your resourceful ways to work.

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Don't give an authority figure too much credit for doing the right thing. The fact is, this person will always act in their own self-interest. If circumstances look bleak, you're better off looking for other opportunities. Even if the events you fear never come about, it can't hurt to go on a few job interviews. You may even find a position that suits your free-spirited temperament. Take control of this sticky situation.

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Secret dealings may hurt other people, so watch out. Although the person involved may tell you there's nothing wrong with what you're doing your intuition tells you otherwise. Stop listening to what this charmer says, and watch what they do. Are their actions strange and unaccountable in some way? Then it probably means there's something funny going on. You're better off going the independent route, no matter how tempting this partnership may be.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Sex and friendship definitely don't mix today, so watch out. Although an old pal may seem irresistibly charming, you wouldn't want to destroy your relationship for the sake of a casual fling. A physical encounter may stir up emotions in either one of you that will be impossible to repress. Consider how you've come to rely on this person's wit and intelligence to get you through rough times. Don't throw that all away.

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All the charm in the world won't be enough to satisfy a wounded partner. If you've done something to hurt this person's feelings, you have to make it up to them through actions, not words. Stop promising to make up lost time at a later date. Cancel your own plans for their sake, even if it means putting off a professional engagement. This may anger the powers-that-be, but you can't take your relationship for granted.

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