
Filling your home with bright colours and unusual artwork can give you a lift. As a naturally energetic person, you need an environment that fuels your enthusiasm. Stay home and have fun with your nearest and dearest. Cards, board games, or charades are all good activities to draw you closer together. Some people think these activities are corny, but they're actually a powerful means to promote family intimacy.

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A friend could propose a spontaneous outing, and you're more than willing to go. Normally, you prefer sticking to the tried and true. Today, however, you're eager to see new sights and have fresh experiences. Don't be surprised if you bump into somebody from your past. The planets are favouring strange reunions of all sorts. Fortunately, you're in a social mood and welcome the opportunity to catch up on old times.

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An unlikely person could be handed the reins of power, which is good news for you. Sometimes your quirky ways rub conventional types up the wrong way. This change of regime will allow you to advance offbeat ideas without fear of reprisal. In fact, your talent for thinking out of the box may be so appreciated you're given a promotion, too. Keep those original ideas coming; they're sure to bring you luck.

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Your creative talents are in full evidence, and you may decide to apply them to a piece of artwork. Images from foreign cultures and religions may be especially inspiring right now. Don't worry about appearing sacrilegious or irreverent. Sensitive people will understand where you are coming from, and will appreciate you all the more for taking such daring risks. Your horizons are expanding in interesting directions.

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Keeping a new relationship hidden from public view may be desirable. It's so liberating to enjoy each other's company without any outside pressure. Eventually, you'll have to bring this union to light, but there's no reason you shouldn't enjoy your privacy at this stage. If you've already got a lover, take this opportunity to go on a romantic vacation together, and keep your whereabouts a secret. Get lost in each other's arms.

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Forming a relationship with an eccentric person speaks to your own rebellious instincts. Let this person loosen you up a bit. Going to an unfamiliar hangout will put you in contact with strangers you wouldn't otherwise meet. Don't be surprised if hidden facets of your personality come out when dealing with these people. Now that you don't have an image to uphold, you can say and do anything you want.

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Breaking away from your normal activities could draw favourable attention your way. People aren't used to seeing you drop your dignified reserve. Watching you give in to your silly side may prompt friends to open up in ways you've never dreamed possible. You may not realise it, but your gracious manner can be a bit intimidating at times. This is your big chance to show that you're not as prim and proper as you look!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A rare opportunity to develop your creative potential could fall into your lap. Don't waste any time deliberating whether you should give up your old life to pursue this new path. Although change can be scary, it's the only way you'll develop and grow into the person you were meant to be. Let a charming mentor take you under their wing. Having someone shape and guide you will help build your confidence.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An unexpected reward for a past good deed fills you with pleasure. At times, it feels like you're the only one interested in promoting a good and just society. Now you're being given evidence that others do appreciate your efforts. Invite someone special over to share this golden moment. You don't do have to do anything elaborate to celebrate the occasion; ordering in your favourite food will suffice.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The walls between you and a loved one could come tumbling down in a weird and wonderful way. It may be that you've both been holding back the depth of emotion you really feel for each other. Once the two of you come clean, however, you can move into the future with happy and hopeful hearts. Taking a short trip out of town together will only enhance your mutual pleasure.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may decide to channel a sudden burst of energy into a beautification project. Planting a garden, redecorating a room, or buying some attractive furniture are all favoured activities. You can feel good about any purchases made to give sensual delight. You're more sensitive to beauty than you pretend. Now is your chance to show the world that you aren't above revelling in material pleasures. Have fun!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your wacky ways could prove very attractive to a charming amour. If you're not involved in a relationship, this may be a good chance to start one. In the event you do have a partner, be sure to express your affection in some spontaneous way. You don't need a reason to present your amour with a bouquet of flowers or piece of jewellery. The more unconventional your tribute, the more happily it will be received.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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