
You're more concerned with doing the right thing than being popular. All eyes are on you, so you have to proceed with caution. If you grant favours to loved ones, people will lose respect for you. Be willing to enforce the rules, even when they go against your interests. If you're in line for a job, negotiate for a percentage of the profits, rather than a flat salary. The position will offer impressive benefits and is certainly worth your while.

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Be realistic when it comes to getting ahead. If you want an executive position, you need additional training and experience. Working as an apprentice is the fastest way to learn the ropes. You'll have to put your ego aside if you're going to work with an imposing expert. Accepting harsh criticisms and uncomfortable conditions will be difficult. If you manage to keep your eyes on the prize, you'll overcome adversity and land an impressive job.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Putting yourself on a strict schedule is the only way to avoid temptation. You've always been good at starting projects, but have difficulty carrying them through to fruition. Look at a long range job and decide what needs to be done to cross the finish line. Set deadlines by which to complete each step, and give yourself a reward every time you reach these benchmarks. People will be sceptical of your progress, but you'll earn their respect after crossing the finish line.

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You'll have to use all your tact when dealing with an intense youngster or lover. Your friend is determined to take a certain course, no matter how destructive. The only way you can change their mind is with gentle encouragement. Pattern your behaviour after a role model you always respected. A little reverse psychology will work wonders. Express doubt in their ability to exercise restraint, and agree with their pessimistic outlook. It could work wonders.

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You're notoriously stubborn. This gets you into trouble at both home and work. Instead of clinging to a certain course of action, be a little more flexible. Disaster might ensue, but at least you will have proven you are open to other ideas. It's possible your family raised you to uphold a certain set of values. These beliefs may not have any practical application to modern life. Be willing to explore other philosophies that are tolerant of cultural differences.

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You're extremely ambitious, especially when it comes to creative endeavours. Entering a contest or submitting your work for review is strongly advised. You're sure to get a top prize. Someone who admires your talent could also develop a romantic interest in you. The two of you will generate some powerful chemistry. As a general rule, you project an air of cool sophistication. That facade comes crumbling down when you're in this admirer's presence.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You won't abandon a worthy project at the first sign of trouble. On the contrary, encountering opposition will make you more determined than ever to succeed. If someone tries to block you from getting a promotion, appeal to a higher authority. Big changes will occur on the domestic front. This is your chance to buy a home or move to an area where you can pursue your dream career. Turn a deaf ear to relatives who think you are being unrealistic.

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You'll have to mask your feelings about a neighbour or relative whose behaviour has spiralled out of control. Whatever you do or say to challenge them will ultimately backfire. In situations like this, it's best to make a strategic retreat and wait for disaster to strike. No amount of lecturing will make an impact. The only way this misguided person will learn is by hitting rock bottom. It distresses you to see someone in pain, but there's very little you can do about it now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have all the inward resolve you require to withstand a difficult situation. Money is tight, but it won't always be. The key is to be as resourceful as possible with your existing money. Shopping for bargains, buying only items that are on sale and doing price comparisons will help you stretch the budget. If you're overdue for a raise, make a compelling argument to your boss. Be ready to find a new job if your demands aren't met.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Knowing how to motivate different members of your group is critical. Some people respond to gentle encouragement, while others react to harsh criticism. It's also important to know when to approach somebody with feedback. Make a study of the different members of your group. Take notes on their behaviour. If one approach doesn't work, try another. Read books on effective leadership techniques. Above all, never forget the human element of this endeavour.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Exercising personal control will make a good impression on your boss. It's tempting to ignore the rules and do what you want, but that will damage your professional reputation. Uphold the company's standard, even if it means accepting more work. You'll be able to finish chores by isolating yourself from the group. Filling out paperwork, double checking reports, and responding to messages will result in a promotion. It takes great discipline to choose work over freedom.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Not everyone will be receptive to your expert knowledge. A few rebellious members of the group will challenge your assertions. Instead of getting defensive, invite your detractors to develop their own methods. Soon, they'll realise your approach is actually the best. You hate confrontation, but learning to cope with it is critical. People who are truly masters aren't afraid to face their critics. Pretty soon, the very cynics who distained your ideas will kneel at your feet for guidance.

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