
Dealing with the opposite sex can be something of a challenge but when you're faced with a problem, you want to take action. When a particular relative has to cope with trouble, they'd rather discuss it from every angle. You find this approach really irritating. Don't pour fuel on the fire by lashing out at them. You'll make much more progress if you band together. Be patient; hidden information will soon come to light, making your position much easier.

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Although you want nothing more than to stay in bed and pull the blankets over your head, friends may not allow it. Allow yourself to be hauled to a movie, restaurant, or museum. Your sullen attitude will soon give way to good cheer. As crazy as it sounds, you can be talked out of a bad mood. It's all a matter of subjecting yourself to fun loving people. If you're starting to question the meaning of life, it may be time to do some charity work.

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Don't let anxiety about financial security prompt you to take an assignment you'll hate. You have no business obsessing over work now the weekend is here. If you're contemplating taking a job for just for the money, think again. You need a career that affords plenty of intellectual stimulation. Set your sights on a position that is related to one of your passions you could languish from boredom. When you do what you love, the money will follow.

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You may be forced to confess your ignorance of a particular subject. This makes you feel highly uncomfortable, particularly if you are the centre of attention. Ironically, your honesty could attract lots of romantic interest. These days, it's refreshing to meet someone who doesn't claim expertise of everything from A to Z. If you're already in a relationship, you may have to fend off the advances of an irrepressible flirt. Beware of getting into a compromising position that could embarrass your partner.

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Sex can be an emotional issue today. It's possible you may have a more open minded attitude towards the subject than someone you love. At times like these, it's important to recognise there is no right and wrong approach where physical affection is concerned. So many variables contribute to a person's ideas about passion. Instead of passing judgment on each other, try to celebrate your differences. It would be a very boring world if everyone always agreed. Postpone any difficult conversations for another day.

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You could feel a romantic pull in the direction of someone tender hearted and sensitive. Although you take a more practical approach to life, there's something moving about this very special person. In the event you are already in love, you may want to honour your beloved with a candlelit dinner, complete with wine and soft music. It doesn't matter if you've been together for eons or have just started dating. Passion is an essential ingredient to any loving relationship - particularly yours.

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The prospect of having people over to your abode may be embarrassing, mostly because you've fallen behind on your chores. Take this opportunity to do a top to bottom airing. If the prospect is too overwhelming, you may want to hire a cleaning service. This may put a dent in your budget, but it will give you great peace of mind. You're the sort of person who draws life from entertaining.

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You may be anxious about a child's welfare. These days, it seems like everyone is obsessing about their kids. Try not to fall into the same trap. Yes, your young friend will experience some difficulties and disappointments, but it's all a part of growing up. Make it your mission to offer guidance and support. When it comes to shielding him or her from harm, though, you need to take a more judicious approach.

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Sentimental memories could wash over you quite unexpectedly and although you usually don't dwell on the past, today's reminiscences will prove heart warming. This would be a wonderful time to frame some favourite photographs from childhood. Making a gallery of such pictures will make your home quite cosy. If you're looking for a good book, return to one you enjoyed when you were a child. It will probably be just as entertaining now as it was back then.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A shopping trip could prove more exhausting than you anticipated. There's nothing more depressing than walking around posh stores. It seems like everybody has more money than you. Of course that's not true. In fact, most people are putting on a great show of wealth. Don't fall victim to constant craving. Just buy what you need, turn a blind eye to the rest, and head home for a relaxing afternoon. Rent a movie, make some popcorn, and give thanks for small pleasures.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Purchases for home could put a dent in your budget. You may not have much extra cash to eat out or afford little luxuries. Spend your spare time working on a creative project. Writing a science fiction story, experimenting with your camera, or sketching the view from your window could prove diverting. You have a keen intellect that requires constant engagement. The more engrossing the activity, the happier you will be. Invite a friend or neighbour over if you get lonely.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You could be a bit moody, probably because you don't feel valued by others. Instead of waiting for everyone else's approval, move forward with an exciting project. Onlookers may tease you about this endeavour, but don't let their nasty comments bother you. Your critics are secretly jealous of your ability to spin straw into gold. The fact you're able to carry on without regard to their opinions makes you even more enviable.

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