
Completing a personal project comes as a tremendous relief. The results are better than you ever dreamed. Whether you have reached a fitness goal, completed a manuscript or undergone a rehabilitation programme, you should celebrate with friends who are delighted over your success. Letting go of anger has been liberating. Instead of dwelling on thoughts that inhibit growth, you have made a better choice. Choosing happiness over rage will improve virtually every area of your life. Give yourself a gold star.

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Leaving a painful situation behind makes you feel calm, reassured and hopeful. You're embarking on an exciting new path. Rather than stirring up drama and chaos, you're choosing a smoother path. It's easy for abundance to flow into your life when you're relaxed and easy. A bad habit that distracted you from your deepest desires has been broken. You now understand you can do, be and have anything you want. It is no longer necessary to soothe yourself with substances, relationships and situations that make you miserable.

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You've outgrown some people in your social circle. Instead of forcing these relationships, release them from your emotional grip. Wish them well and develop new hobbies. Soon, individuals who share your interests will find their way into your life. These friendships will uplift and inspire you. Devoting more time to the things you enjoy will make you less resentful of those around you. Instead of blaming your unhappiness on them, you'll take ownership of your power. Rather than obeying orders, you'll make decisions that feel good to you.

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Are you anxious to reach the next level of success? You're in luck. Fame and acclaim are coming your way. A professional who is impressed with your work will offer you a leadership position. Assembling a team of innovative people will be lots of fun. Stop worrying about the future. The more secure you are in the present moment, the more stable the coming days will be. That's because you attract the energy that you radiate. Be the strong, reassuring presence you desire.

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You'll be rewarded for your advanced knowledge and experience. If you're offered a job to teach, write or lecture, you should accept it. Sharing your wisdom with a receptive audience will be rewarding, both financially and emotionally. You make lessons fun. Releasing a need to be the centre of attention will bring relief. It isn't necessary to be constantly performing. You have a natural charisma that attracts favourable attention. Own your star power. You don't have to summon it; your magnetism is as easy as breathing.

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Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or royalty agreement will arrive. Use this windfall to make some home improvements. If you don't own a place, it's time to buy one. Be open to looking for a home that is in an up and coming neighbourhood. Exchanging criticism for praise will cultivate more wealth. When you show appreciation for the people in your life, even ones that annoy you, magical things happen. Your positive attitude acts like a magnet to money. You'll stumble across the opportunity to take up a lucrative job or maybe a profit-sharing agreement.

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Striking a mutually agreeable deal fills you with happiness. You're not the type who likes to steamroll over other people's desires to get what you want. Using your diplomatic skills to find common ground is one of your greatest pleasures. People love working with you. Letting go of a need for an ideal partnership will cultivate a passionate love life. The only person who can make you happy is you. Joining hearts with someone special is icing on the cake.

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Finishing a long list of chores fill you with pride. Now you have cleared your schedule of mundane tasks, you can enjoy some private time. Solitary activities like reading, writing and communing with nature will replenish your spiritual batteries. Releasing resentment of a colleague will make your work experience much more pleasant. By focusing on their positive qualities, no matter how few, their negative traits will become less and less annoying. Turn it into a game. You'll emerge the winner.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're a love magnet. If you're single, you'll meet someone who makes your pulse pound. Be on the alert for a lively individual at a sporting event, contest or parade. As soon as you make eye contact, they'll come over and introduce themselves. If you're in a relationship, you'll reach a new understanding with your amour. Instead of stirring up trouble to keep things interesting, you'll reassure them of your love, devotion and desire. Arguments will give way to satisfying sensual encounters.

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Your home life is undergoing some important changes. A relative could leave the house or you might move to a smaller place. Selling unwanted possessions will help you lead a more streamlined lifestyle. It will also give you more money to travel. Letting go of sadness allows your natural zest for life to flow freely. Just because you experienced heartache as a youngster does not mean you are doomed to be unhappy. Take control of your destiny and do things that bring you joy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A group project has reached a successful conclusion. You are so proud of all the progress you have made. Instead of everybody fighting for supremacy, each member made contributions with the desire to create something useful and beautiful. The results are fabulous. When you are restrained by a strict rule, resist the urge to commit sabotage. By following the regulations, you'll get what you want without hurting others. You're a part of a larger whole. Respecting the team attracts the support you desire.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A moneymaking opportunity has reaped more fruit than you ever thought possible. Use this windfall to expand your career. Launching your own business or getting advanced training will increase your freedom. Work will become a source of fun, rather than economic necessity. Powerful feelings should not be ignored. If you don't want to do something, give a polite but firm refusal. You don't have to justify your choice. Simply state your decision and walk away. Cut short a conversation with a clever manipulator.

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