
A brainstorm could prompt you to make an unconventional move. You don't consider yourself to be an overly spiritual person, but now you're starting to realise the importance of feeding your soul. Of course, this can be a tricky business, as so many people do terrible things in the name of religion. Luckily, you're smart enough to craft a belief system that allows for philosophical differences. You don't need to put others down just because their ideas differ from yours.

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Expressing your humanitarian side is fulfilling in some ways, and disappointing in others. Not everyone shares your passion for a particular cause, which feels alienating. Instead of trying to convert others to your point of view, try making friends with people who are aligned to your favourite organisation. Some powerful friendships can be made this way. Beware of trying to seduce someone with lavish gifts. You need a lover who adores you, body and soul. Money shouldn't enter into it.

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Throwing yourself into a work project proves exciting. Although you don't have much experience in this area, you're learning as you go. A well meaning business or romantic partner may not provide the encouragement you need. It's not because your friend doesn't believe in you; it's because they don't want to see you hurt. Tell this person you need all the positive reinforcement you can get. If they're not willing to provide it, they should just remain silent.

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Reforming a legal, cultural, or educational institution is demanding but rewarding. This is a strange stance for you to take, since you're usually quite intent on preserving tradition. In this case, though, you can't see any benefit of continuing a time honoured practice. Some of your peers may resent your desire to change, but that's because they're afraid of the unknown. Fortunately, you have a bigger and better plan for the future. Keep this goal clearly in mind, and share it with others.

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An exciting sexual encounter makes it hard to focus on any other area of life. You're thinking about your beloved morning, noon and night. Don't let this relationship undermine your bond with a child, though. Young people are very sensitive to situations like these, and have fear of being replaced. Be sure to make exclusive time for your small friend. Nothing says 'I care' like focusing all of your attention on one person. Single? Embrace your freedom wholeheartedly.

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Developing your own interests can actually improve your relationship status. If you're single, you could meet someone special while pursuing a favourite hobby. If you already have a partner, you'll evolve in a healthy way that supports your relationship. Resist the urge to stay home all the time. Force yourself to go to a party, even if you'd rather relax in bed. You'll enjoy some stimulating conversation, and realise you've been depriving yourself in this area. Get out and socialise!

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Trying an unfamiliar cuisine could be a pleasant surprise. You're a person who thrives on variety, which means you need to put yourself in unfamiliar situations as much as possible. Someone may ask you for your honest opinion, but it will be difficult to give it because there's no kind way to deliver a painful assessment. At times like these, it's best to be as noncommittal as possible. Your obvious reticence should let your friend know how you really feel.

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Satisfy your curiosity about an artistic medium you've always wanted to try. Give yourself permission to feel awkward in the early stages. The more playful your approach, the more impressive your progress will be. You may find this new hobby takes the edge off your material desires. When you're engaged in creative activities, you realise it's easier to craft your own happiness than buy it at a shop. Let your imagination run wild; it will take you to some amazing places.

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Working around your house proves surprisingly pleasant. If you've never tried your hand at gardening or decorating, now is the time to try. You may find domestic activities to be wonderfully grounding. Trying to be nice to a nasty relative could be a mistake. The more you try to engage this relative, the less he or she will respect you. This sounds crazy, but some people are just that contrary. See what happens when you start acting aloof.

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An unexpected trip turns out to be more fun than you expected. Perhaps you'll be inspired to shake up your routine more often as a result. You have to admit, you do have a tendency to get caught in a rut. A secret vice could be taking a toll on your health. Talk about this situation to a trusted confidante. Your friend may have a valuable insight as to why you're engaging in this behaviour, and how you can channel your energy more productively.

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There's an old adage that goes, 'If you do what you love, the money will follow.' You'll find this to be especially true today. An assignment that starts as a side job could quickly grow into a fully fledged career, if you so choose it. A female friend may be sceptical of your new direction. Don't let her pessimistic attitude undercut your own enthusiasm. Sometimes, you need to listen to your own intuition and ignore everybody else.

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Being different than everyone else definitely pays off today. Your distinctive style is in great demand in this age of conformity. If you're looking for a job, find one that allows you to express your creativity. Memories of a disapproving relative or teacher could make you reluctant to take a risk. Take a few steps back and consider whether this woman's remarks were really a manifestation of her own unhappiness. Guard your childlike sense of wonder like a tiger.

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