
You're anxious for fun, but boring responsibilities are weighing down your schedule. Instead of abandoning your duties, dispatch them as quickly as possible. This will give you time to enjoy a carefree evening. You've always had a tendency to agree to more work than is sensible. Remember this the next time somebody tries to palm off their jobs onto you. Neglecting friends and family for your career will be a serious cause for regret. By making more time for leisure, you'll enjoy life to the fullest.

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All is well. Take this opportunity to slow down and smell the flowers. Enjoying sensual pleasures like good food, fragrant flowers and soothing music will give you an attractive glow. Although you're extremely productive, you can't work without any hope of relief. You need long periods of relaxation to recharge your batteries. If you're able to get away, schedule a trip to a secluded retreat. Being able to hear yourself think will be a welcome change. Stay away from social media for a while.

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An innovative solution to a problem will occur while you're doing a routine chore. It's a good idea to keep a pencil and notebook nearby. You won't want to forget a single detail of this brainstorm. This is how insight usually occurs for you. When you occupy your conscious mind, your subconscious has a chance to experiment. The next time you're grappling with a serious dilemma, wash the car. Chop some vegetables. Vacuum the carpets. Within moments, genius will strike.

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Let a desire for beauty cause you to disrupt your routine. Take the day off work to visit a garden centre, a fabric store or go to the flower market. Engaging your senses will make you more hopeful about the future. Usually, you have no trouble handling heavy responsibility. Recently, you've been working tirelessly to finish a project. Focusing so intently on a single point has dulled your enthusiasm for life. Enjoy a break. Don't worry; you won't miss your deadline.

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You're ready to make a bold move. It's probably wise to keep plans secret from an anxious relative. The last thing you want is to put this family member on red alert. Your chances for success are strong. You've done all your research and have weighed all the options. Taking this risk will pay off handsomely. When the first cheque arrives, put it towards a luxury item you've been craving for months. You should be commended for obeying your instincts.

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Your positive attitude opens doors, especially on the romantic front. If you have a partner, encourage them to go after a cherished dream. Offer to be the sole breadwinner while your amour studies for a degree or develops a creative project. Assist them in opening their own business. Agree to move to an area that will enhance their career. Are you looking for love? You will meet someone special in a cooking class, book group or political organisation. Make the first move.

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Ridding your life of people and activities that no longer serve you is critical. Your priorities have changed a great deal. That means you should alter your life accordingly. Instead of pouring all your energy into social and romantic pursuits, focus on finances. Creating a secure foundation will allow you to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour. You don't want to be struggling from one payday to the next your entire life. Pursue a lucrative line of work that lets you put money into savings.

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You're in high demand. All the attention is flattering, but you should be selective about the company you keep. Gravitate towards accomplished people who love what they do for a living. You'll learn valuable lessons from these capable friends, especially when it comes to work. If you've been unhappy with your job, it may be a matter of attitude. Changing your approach to your duties will make all the difference. Pattern your behaviour after a loved one you respect and admire.

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Dealing with an unexpected challenge takes the wind out of your sails. You thought you were free to pursue an exciting personal project. Unfortunately, a mechanical issue will stop you dead in your tracks. Instead of giving into anger, address this issue as quickly as possible. You may have to send out a machine for repair. It's possible you'll have to replace a car or computer. Stay calm and stay in the moment. Once you begin resolving the problem, your frustration will dissolve.

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Having a sense of purpose enhances your charisma. You'll attract romantic attention at every turn. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with a family friend. It's reassuring to go out with someone for whom a relative can vouch. You have no interest in dating someone who'd rather play games than have a caring relationship. Do you already have a partner? Take this opportunity to launch a home improvement project with your amour. You'll work together like a well-oiled machine.

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You're tired of being pushed around by indecisive people. Instead of encouraging a confused relative to make a decision, formulate a plan and carry it out. Don't wait for their permission. If your family member objects to your dictatorial attitude, tell them to be more assertive about what they want. There isn't time for them to weigh all the options and take surveys. Springing into action will be a tremendous relief. This is one of those situations when it's better to move forward.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You feel grounded. That's why it's important to exercise your imagination. Writing a story, composing a sign or designing an outfit will keep you from growing complacent. When you don't have a compelling task, you have a tendency to drift. This wastes valuable time. There's nothing wrong with daydreaming, but you also have to put your artistic talent to work. You'll find this so engrossing it will be difficult to pull away. After finishing preliminary work on your project, enjoy a well-deserved rest.

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