
Don't let regrets undermine your ability to make fresh inroads in to many life avenues. Just because you were discouraged from pursuing an ambition or passion as a child doesn't mean you can't take it up now. Sure, you're a little older, but you've more experience too. Besides, you're calling the shots now.

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Imagined slights are preventing you from getting up close and intimate to people who can help you. Just because some folk don't pay you the amount of attention you'd like doesn't mean you're unlovable. There may be other reasons not of your making. So push your fears aside and get together a gathering of your own, you can now make friends and influence people.

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Comparing your success to others is a losing battle; you must do things at your own pace. The important thing is that you enjoy the process of getting there as much as the results. Somebody in your social circle can give you the financial backing or introduction to the contacts necessary to make your dreams come true. All you have to do is ask.

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It's a mistake to rest on your laurels, especially where your reputation is concerned. Make some generous gesture to a person in need or offer your services to the community. Sometimes you need to extend a helping hand in order to recognise what a privileged position you are in. Being kind requires sincerity try summoning up your compassion: what a difference it'll make to your standing.

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Being overprotective of an adventurous loved one could drive a wedge between you both. It's better to encourage this person, rather than warning them at every turn. There's nothing more disheartening than hearing a list of reasons why you shouldn't try something new from someone you thought you could count on. Think of how you'd feel if the tables were turned.

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Increasing your earning capacity is one way to realise a vision, but it's important to do something you love. Why not start a second string business based on a service you perform to others. In this day and age, there are plenty of people willing to pay you to do their chores or things they abhor. Nail and niche market and then publicise your services to the world at large.

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Achieving a balance between work and play is imperative for a finely tuned person like you. Your world can get seriously unbalanced when you focus too strongly on one area of life. By making a few minor adjustments, you'll discover joy again. There's no point in accepting your lot as a fait accompli it's up to you to make things happen, or you'll wait forever.

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Take a creative risk if you want to impress someone who matters. Part of your attraction is that you are so intense and sexy. You may have lost touch with this mysterious part of yourself because of mundane duties and realities. Do your best to change your daily routine introducing the chance to be more spontaneous opens up more possibilities for success.

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At times you have denied your heart in order to please the people around you. If you're attracted to someone offbeat and unusual, you need to follow that impulse. Nobody can tell you who to like. If you're already in a relationship, you'll have to defend your partner against the odds - whatever happens love can be rather complex and fickle today.

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Be ready to strike out to prove to yourself you've got what it takes to succeed. In the process you can silence those self-defeating thoughts that make you feel unworthy or unloved. Change your outlook by praising yourself every time you're tempted to cringe or escape. Being confident takes practice but with your talents you've nothing to be afraid of.

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Set some funds aside so you can pursue a personal dream. You'll feel less inclined to give in to destructive forces if you know you've some spare cash tucked away. Nothing brings out the best in you like the prospect of an engrossing project. Set the wheels into motion today. Don't let a carping female distract you from doing what you want to do.

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As much as you'd like, you can't recapture the past, so stop trying. You're better off discovering new pleasures: why not take a trip to a spot you've never visited before? A change of scenery is just what you need to make the May Day weekend go with a swing. Contrary to what you think, the best is yet to come.

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