
It will be necessary to revise a group project. These continual changes will wear on your nerves. Having an outlet for your frustrations is strongly advised. Getting physical exercise after work can keep tension from building in your system. You should also spend time with supportive friends. Being able to laugh with others about your predicament will put it in proper perspective. Nobody likes working for a flawed leader, but it often happens. Take heart. There will be a changing of the guard.

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A transfer of power will occur at work. This change will be temporary, so do not panic. Do your best to remain neutral. Battle lines are being drawn and you never know which side will prevail. The important thing is to fulfil your duties to the best of your ability. If someone asks you to fill a vacant position, ask for the terms of this agreement in writing. You don't want this to be a permanent arrangement. Be cooperative but defend your long term interests.

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You may be asked to do a job you haven't performed in years. Getting a refresher course is strongly advised. There's a chance you can watch some instructional advice videos that have been posted online. Once you see these skills demonstrated, your memory will be triggered. Don't be afraid to ask newer members of the team for help. They may be aware of some technological breakthroughs that can increase productivity. Adopting a humble attitude will make you a popular figure.

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You will have to make some adjustments to your spending to cover emergency expenses. Fortunately, you are resourceful by nature. It shouldn't be difficult to trim fat from the budget. If you have a business or romantic partner who isn't mindful of money, have a talk. Back up your claims with financial statements. Demonstrate that you're not being stingy; you're just being practical. It's important that you are both pulling in the same direction. Arguing wastes valuable time and energy.

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The rules of a relationship have undergone some subtle alterations. It's better to acknowledge the change than cling to the old ways. You might not be happy with the way things are going, but you don't have much control over the situation. Agree to meet your partner halfway. It may be necessary for you to take on some of their jobs while they recover from an illness, take care of a youngster or go on a course to boost their qualifications. Be as supportive as possible.

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Don't panic if a nagging health problem resurfaces. Get a medical consultation and be prepared to change your habits. Eating healthy, taking regular exercise and getting lots of rest are all critical components to your wellbeing. If a tempting snack causes physical distress, find a substitute. You hate being deprived, but it's better to make small sacrifices for the sake of your body. Taking time off work may be necessary. It isn't wise to be exposed to stress when you're feeling unwell.

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An ex partner might try to reconnect with you. Although it will be fun reminiscing about old times, you may be reluctant to resume this relationship. You've grown a lot and have totally different needs. Instead of being so eager to please, you have become more assertive. This could be a hard pill to swallow for your old amour. Keep things friendly and look for a more appropriate partner. If you're in a relationship with someone else, remain loyal and loving.

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You will come across some surprising news about your family. This revelation will change your opinion of a relative. It's astonishing how a dark secret can change the course of a person's life. Remember this moment the next time you deal with a trying person. There are probably factors involved that you can't perceive. By adopting a more compassionate attitude, life will become more rewarding. Everybody can use an extra dose of kindness. Be open to receiving grace from others, too.

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It may be necessary to break a promise. Unforeseen circumstances will keep you at work. Cancelling a date or skipping a recital will make you very unpopular. Don't get defensive. Be honest and direct about the situation. Eventually, the person you have disappointed will forgive you. Until then, be patient and continue to be a good friend. We all have times when we are spread too thin. You're experiencing such a period right now. Be good to yourself and don't make any more commitments.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The role of money in your life will undergo some alternations. Recently, you were intent on increasing your income. Now you are starting to wonder whether it is better to be content with less. Instead of working harder or pursuing lucrative assignments, you will try to make funds stretch as far as possible. Enjoying inexpensive pursuits and putting off luxury purchases are worthy challenges. You might decide it's better to appreciate what you have than accumulate more property. Good for you.

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Don't be afraid to change your stance on important issues. You've always been a visionary. That means you have your eyes trained firmly on the future. If you have experienced unexpected changes, you're bound to alter your perceptions of a given situation. Admit you were wrong and that you are changing gear. People will respect your ability to take new information into account. It would be silly to cling stubbornly to the past when there are better ways of dealing with things.

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Your spiritual life is undergoing a profound change. The things that once gave you solace no longer sustain you. It's time to do some soul searching. Reflect on the people and activities that make life meaningful. Devoting more energy to these relationships and pursuits can bring profound inner peace. Stop telling yourself you have to forgive someone to move forward. There's no need to resume a toxic relationship. Maintain the boundary you have set and put painful memories aside.

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