
Responsibility rears its ugly head, forcing you to postpone fun plans for the sake of work. In cases like this, it's best to put your nose to the grindstone and block out distractions. Thinking about what you could be doing will just prolong your agony. The good news is, once you finish this assignment, you'll have ample opportunity to spend time with a lover, child or friend.

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Relatives will alternately delight and annoy you today and although it's not easy for you to go with the flow, that's probably the best course of action when it comes to family matters. A flaky man could make a promise that he ultimately can't keep; prepare to be disappointed. That being said, you will probably do better attending to this responsibility yourself. Do the job early in the day so you can relax later this evening.

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This isn't the best time to make travel plans, as an incredibly cheap package is too good to be true. Still, the prospect of a holiday gives you a great deal of pleasure. If you're taking a break right now, you may find yourself drawn to an alluring character who gives you mixed signals. A brief fling could be pleasurable, but don't count on this person to make a serious commitment.

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If you're suffering from financial anxiety, it's probably because you don't know the truth of your situation. You'll be in a much better frame of mind once you find out exactly how much money you owe. This will allow you to formulate a plan for paying off your creditors or starting a retirement plan. If you're in serious trouble, enlist the aid of a professional money manager. Help is available.

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Being in a relationship requires making sacrifices, and this is especially true now. You may be paired off with a person who can't handle certain responsibilities. Instead of dwelling on all the work this means for you, consider how you benefit from this partnership. It's important to give credit where credit is due. If the rewards seem minimal, it's time to move on. Life is too short to spend on a toxic union.

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A friend may seek your advice, and it's clear to you what needs to be done. Before rendering your opinion, though, consider what affect it will have. It's possible to be firm but compassionate. There's nothing worse than having your bubble burst by someone you love and admire! Furthermore, you may want to think about whether taking a risk could actually be to your partner's benefit. Some people thrive on change.

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Don't let fear of failure prevent you from striking out in a new direction. Whether you're tempted to embark on a relationship, begin a creative project, or have a baby, you owe it to yourself to try. Putting your mark on the world is becoming increasingly important to you. Be sure to practice lots of self-nurturing over the next two weeks. If you make a mistake, give yourself credit for trying. Experimenting takes guts.

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You're caught between meeting your responsibilities and fulfilling your needs. It may be wise to err on the side of your desires today. You'll have plenty of opportunity to satisfy your friends, relatives and colleagues in the next two weeks. In the meantime, take this opportunity to enjoy a nap, go for a walk or read a book for pleasure. Refuse to feel guilty for relinquishing work for the sake of happiness. You're overdue for a break.

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A neighbour or relative could take you to task for a thoughtless remark and while you may owe this person a sincere apology, you shouldn't have to dwell on this mistake. So long as you take steps to ensure this same slip won't reoccur, you should be in the clear. It may not be realistic to plan a short trip now, as a long term project demands your attention.

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Living beyond your means is never a good idea, but it could have especially hard consequences today. Resist the temptation to put a costly purchase on your credit card, as you'll be forced to work three times as hard to pay off the bill. If you're tired of living from paycheque to paycheque, you've got to devise a savings plan that will afford more economic freedom. Hammer out a budget which factors in periodic indulgences.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's time to ask why someone has been consistently irritating you for the past six months. As crazy as it sounds, this person may be exhibiting the most troublesome aspects of your own character. Don't discount this theory until you've taken some time to consider the possibility. This person could be here to teach you a valuable lesson about the way you handle conflict. Once you change your ways, your tormentor will cease to bother you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Escaping the workaday world is a strong temptation. Before you give your two weeks notice, consider how you can make your daily routine a bit more satisfying. Waking up an hour early to enjoy your favourite activity can offset the aggravation every job brings. If you're truly sick of your current employer, write out a description of your dream position, and imagine yourself attracting just such a job offer.

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