
Focusing too closely on petty details is counterproductive. You're facing a deadline. It's more important to submit work on time than it is to get every aspect correct. You dislike the idea of submitting a project filled with errors, but it can't be helped. Mistakes are inevitable when you aren't given sufficient information. In some cases, you had to make an educated guess about estimated costs. Make it clear that all your projections are provisional until you are given reliable facts.

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It's time to turn away from fun and games and get down to business. A friend is expecting your help. Although you have lots of other things you'd rather be doing, it's important to follow through on your promise. If you're tired of being on call for everyone, turn over a new leaf. Stop agreeing to every request for aid. Explain to anyone who complains you are making more time for yourself. Putting everyone else first will result in burnout.

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Don't worry too much what your family will think of a particular decision. It's more important to do what is best for you than meet with other people's approval. If you're interested in pursuing an unusual line of work, go for it. Anybody who mocks you for this choice should be kept at arm's length. You're a free spirit who doesn't fare well with controlling people. Stay away from such manipulators and surround yourself with other open hearted individuals.

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Instead of taking comfort in a familiar routine, a regime is making you restless. You long to make a change but aren't sure what it should be. Don't obey an impulse to quit your job or drop an ambition. You can take a short break without undermining your stability. Visiting a relative who lives nearby will be a welcome change of pace. You'll realise you're complaining about things that really aren't so terrible. Learn to count your blessings. There's no better way to cultivate contentment.

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Thinking only in terms of money is a mistake. There are some worthy things that cannot be bought with cash. If you have a lucrative job that makes you miserable, it's time to move on. Don't try to justify your decision to mercenary people. They cannot understand why anyone would choose happiness over wealth. You're smart enough to know that life is too short to waste on a dead end position. Reflect carefully on what profession would give the creative fulfilment you crave.

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Think before you speak. It's much wiser to maintain a diplomatic silence when confronted with stressful situations. Innocent people could be hurt by thoughtless remarks. You're usually very conscientious about speaking in public, but it's easy to get emotionally overwhelmed now. Stop, think and listen. These simple steps will save you lots of aggravation. If you hear a loved one make an unfortunate remark, pull them aside and explain how their words could be misconstrued.

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This isn't a good time to deal with a bureaucratic institution. You may queue for hours, only to be told you have the wrong forms or identification. Postpone this chore until next week, when people will be thinking more clearly. It will also help to bring as much paperwork as possible. Forewarned is forearmed. When dealing with public officials, be polite. Calmly ask to speak to a supervisor if you can't make any headway with a particular person.

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Many friends don't approve of one of your hobbies. Nothing you do or say will change their minds. Instead of discussing this pastime, remain silent. You don't have to talk about every aspect of your personal life. If someone asks a nosy question, set a boundary. Calmly explain that you prefer to keep certain things private. You've always had extreme tastes. As a result, you will often have difficulty meeting people with all your interests. It's the price you must pay for being unique.

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Figuring out how to get ahead should not be your sole focus. Sometimes it's better to be a team player than command the spotlight. If you work with someone who is experiencing lots of stress, offer some words of support. This can make a tremendous difference to your colleague's self-esteem. We all have times when our personal lives take precedence over work. Don't fault someone for being preoccupied about their family. Instead, ask what you can do to help.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You feel strongly about a political or religious issue. Passing judgment on those who don't share your beliefs is a mistake. This will keep you from expanding your horizons and becoming more empathetic. Instead of asking people to defend their ideas, discuss other subjects. You will discover a shared love of certain artists, public figures and sports heroes. This common ground can pave the way for a rewarding friendship. You may even change each other's minds on critical issues. Stranger things have happened.

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Withholding information will make people suspicious. It's better to be transparent, even if others disagree with your decisions. You're extremely logical and won't be swayed by emotional arguments. If everybody decides to go in a different direction, so be it. At least you will have voiced your opposition to a particular path. Certain colleagues will distance themselves from you. This may be for the best. There is very little common ground between you, apart from your place of work.

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You want to be fair, but it's difficult when one of the parties with whom you are dealing is obviously corrupt. Instead of sitting on the fence, take a stance. The longer you tolerate a liar's manipulation, the worse your reputation will fare. Don't be afraid to confront someone who is playing fast and loose with the truth. Some statements aren't up for interpretation; they are either true or false. Summon your courage and speak as you find to those in power. Supporters will flock to your side.

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