
What may sound like a good idea now could have so many loopholes and obstacles that you will regret it if you get involved. For that reason, give a long-term proposition more thought before agreeing to anything. All may not be as it first sounds or appears.

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A relative will come up with some great ideas at a time when you seem to hit a mental block. You will be glad of their creativity and helpfulness. A workmate who has a habit of embroidering stories will exaggerate a situation to make themselves appear to be smarter than they are.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You need something to look forward to or to save up for. A friend will show an interest in your plans and before you know it, they will be joining you, too. You are going to have to act quickly if you are to grasp an unusual opportunity.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A person you would like to spend more time with will be conspicuous by their absence. You might worry that you have said or done something recently to upset them. Until explanations are received, you will wonder what they are trying to say through being absent in this way.

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You're being expected to take on extra responsibilities in the workplace when there is no sign of an absent colleague returning to their normal duties. You might wonder how long this situation is going to last. You should not feel guilty about resenting all that's being expected of you.

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Problems at work would be resolved more easily if an older colleague wasn't so stubborn. No one else seems confident about taking them on when this person is used to getting their own way. You have come up against them in the past and succeeded. This makes you the most suitable candidate to do so again.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Some interesting news will arrive from relatives or friends overseas. Someone you used to work or study with will contact you from out of the blue. As well as being delighted to hear from them, you will be quick to agree to keep in more regular touch in future. A new friend is taking too much interest in your plans. Keep dates and arrangements to yourself.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Try, where and whenever possible, to shelve routine tasks and demands and instead join in with whatever unusual plans a lively friend comes up with. It doesn't matter if other people influence your choices. It should be fun to experiment with ideas and to enjoy a welcome change of pace.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You can sense it when people are upset, nervous or unhappy and you can't ignore the tension that is building between you and a partner. Someone will imply you are imagining friction that isn't there. You know it isn't your imagination. Your instincts are preparing you for a possible showdown to come.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A friend you are close to will sound distant when you talk to them face-to-face or on the telephone. You will sense immediately they have something on their mind. You won't want to pry but you can let them know you are there for them, if and when they ever need you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's not easy to keep up with what's going on in a group situation when everyone seems to have gone off in separate directions. You're trying to stay focused but you aren't sure now what your priorities should be. A lack of leadership is starting to affect the overall performance of this organisation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You don't have to be so independent when there are offers of help coming your way. Working with a partner is likely to bring more speedy results whereas solo efforts can make you frustrated. Either you won't have the right tools for the job or you haven't the skills for the task in hand. Accept help.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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