
Your hard work and determination causes professional advancement. Be ready to take on a new role at a prominent company. Although there will be a great deal of responsibility involved, you will do very well in this position. That's because you're a strong, organised leader. A desire for financial independence will prompt you to acquire some specialised skills that few people possess. This knowledge will give you tremendous leverage when it comes to how and when you work.

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Confidence and optimism pave the way to an educational opportunity. Someone who is impressed by your upbeat attitude will offer to pay your tuition or give you advanced training. Take full advantage of this opportunity, as it will be highly enjoyable. You're willing to entertain unusual ideas that promote greater personal freedom. The world is made up of many different types of people. This thought gives you tremendous comfort. As far as you're concerned, variety is the spice of life.

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You're intensely passionate. Pouring your energy into an intimate relationship will cultivate great happiness. After spending years of being led by logic, it feels wonderful to connect with your sensual side. Give yourself permission to experiment with your amour. Social constraints feel oppressive. Going to your own private hideaway will be therapeutic. You're tired of trying to fit in with the status quo, which seems utterly boring to you. Go where you can express yourself without fear of being judged.

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Fighting for justice is rewarding. Rather than sitting on the side while a group is being abused, you speak up. Attending a protest, confronting a bully or circulating a petition will earn the respect of your peers. They're angry, too. Going on holiday with a group of friends will be lots of fun. Be willing to visit a place that doesn't sound appealing. You'll be delighted with your accommodation once you arrive. Sometimes it pays to roll the dice.

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Are you concerned about your health? It's time to integrate some better practices into your daily life. Preparing nutritious meals ahead of time will keep you from choosing unhealthy snacks when you're hungry. It's also wise to set aside time for daily exercise. You'll be given a greater measure of independence at work. You'll enjoy making decisions without having to confer with your boss. It helps that you have the courage of your convictions. It's very rare that you don't know exactly what you want to do.

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Projecting an air of confidence will pave the way to romantic success. Someone who admires your wit and intelligence will be flattered when you ask for a date. Propose an outing, rather than dropping a casual hint to hang out. Your initiative will be appreciated. Pursing a lifestyle that reflects your values isn't naive; it's smart. You're tired of doing work and participating in relationships that offend your sensibilities. Summon your courage and make whatever moves necessary to embody your values.

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Loyalty is important to you. The best way to cultivate ties that bind is to show respect for people's hopes, dreams and fears. Rather than trying to impose your beliefs on loved ones, listen carefully as that is what matters to them. Your relationships will thrive. An unexpected legacy is coming your way. Use this windfall to establish long-term financial security. Having a retirement account will give you greater freedom in both your personal and professional lives. Putting a deposit on a home is advised.

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A casual flirtation isn't worth your time. Although you enjoy trading playful remarks with an attractive person, you're looking for a meaningful relationship. Steer clear of an irreverent heartbreaker. Turn your attention to a quiet and accomplished person who you've always admired. A close relationship is undergoing some changes. This is a good thing for both of you. Celebrate your best friend's new health regime. Congratulate your work partner's promotion. Your happiness will strengthen your bond, making it easier to move in a more rewarding direction.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Increasing your income is lots of fun. You're gifted at spotting moneymaking opportunities. Providing an underserved part of the community with a valuable product or service will be much easier than expected. The key is to be consistent, reliable and predictable with business practices. Your inventive ideas at work are greatly appreciated. Don't be surprised when your boss integrates some of your proposal into daily operating procedures. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise. You've earned a piece of the pie.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're highly assertive, moving with confidence and excitement. Even your most severe critics are unwilling to stand in your way. This is a great time to launch a project, start a business or make a bold proposal. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Encourage a child's desire to become independent. Teaching them important skills like cooking, operating equipment and doing chores will boost their confidence. It will also make them eager to earn their own money and cultivate a happy life.

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Supporting the defenceless and underprivileged comes naturally to you. You've always viewed the power structure with healthy suspicion. When you notice people are suffering from oppressive or unfair rules, you demand changes. Your activism earns respect and fills you with pride. Having unusual living conditions gives you a thrill. You're not the type to be pressured into adopting a stuffy lifestyle. Rather than courting public approval, you're happy to march to the beat of your own drum. It's much more satisfying than conforming.

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You are always guided by your principles. When someone asks you to do something that offends your conscience, you never agree. At times, this has stopped you from advancing. That won't be the case now, when you'll be rewarded for your strong ethics. Taking a short trip to see a childhood friend will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy catching up on each other's lives. This meeting will inspire an art project that fills you with excitement. Begin work as soon as possible.

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