
Catering to a loved one's needs will be rewarding. When you become consumed by anxiety, turn your attention outward. Helping others is empowering. Choose your cause wisely. Working on behalf of hypercritical person will be an exercise in futility. You'll feel much better by cooking a delicious meal, running an errand or performing a dreaded chore for a friend. Soon, the feeling of sadness that has been dogging you will be replaced by enthusiasm. Best of all, your relationship will also improve.

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You're looking for new ways to apply your gifts. A few years ago, you hit upon a successful formula. That path was profitable and fulfilling, but it's reaching an end. Moving into another industry, ending a lacklustre relationship or taking up another hobby are good possibilities to explore. Your nearest and dearest are concerned about the changes you've been proposing. They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Don't fall victim to their guilt trips. It's time to change.

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Your sparkling conversation draws admirers like a magnet. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with a gracious sophisticate. Follow this cultured individual's advice about a book, movie or musical album. You'll be delighted by this discovery. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour is yearning to add excitement to your union. Arrange a romantic outing that is tailored to their taste. By going out of your way to please them, you'll pave the way to a passionate evening.

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Acquiring a valuable skill will allow you to work from home. It will be a relief to escape the rat race. You're tired of long commutes and dramatic office politics. Spending more time at your place will make you more centred. Instead of feeling like you are always trying to beat the clock, you'll be able to cook delicious meals and keep the place clean. The secret to your success is keeping your work area entirely separate from your living space.

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A creative project is a labour of love. Lately, you've been thinking about a social trend that has turned your life upside down. Pouring these thoughts into a novel or screenplay will be an interesting challenge. Don't show your work to harsh critics before it is done. If you're going to finish this job, you must maintain your enthusiasm. There will be plenty of time to edit it later. Right now, you should be focused on generating ideas, not censoring them.

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If you want financial security, you must make a long-range plan. Putting money into a retirement or savings account is critical to your success. Talk with a money manager about your goals. They'll propose a sensible plan for meeting them. Be open to the idea of starting your own business, going into a more lucrative line of work or downsizing your lifestyle. The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to accumulate the nest egg you desire.

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Your romantic partner wants to try something new. Don't be so quick to discount their suggestion. By entertaining their idea, you'll win your partner's appreciation. The success of your relationship rests on your ability to meet your amour halfway. If their idea simply will not work, work together on formulating a new plan. Insisting that things remain the same will undermine your bond. Are you single? Entertain the notion of dating someone who is unlike anyone you've loved before.

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You've got bold ideas that will scare stuffy types. Now is not the time to go public with these concepts. You'll just be met with scorn and derision. The best strategy is to watch, wait and listen. When the current way of conducting business fails to work, you should spring into action. Being surrounded by naysayers is frustrating. Instead of entertaining fresh concepts, they cling stubbornly to flawed methods. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult to work. Only a disaster will change their minds.

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Concentrate on goals and objectives. Block out distractions and avoid frivolous people. You have a wonderful opportunity to realise a cherished dream. Whether it's reaching your personal best with a physical challenge or finishing a creative project is immaterial. The important thing is to make some personal sacrifices for the sake of something bigger. Your loved ones will complain that you're unavailable. Don't bother defending your actions. All will be clear when you take your victory lap. Until then, keep your eyes on the prize.

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The best way to command attention is to cultivate an air of mystery. Stop laying your cards on the table. When people ask you direct questions, give evasive responses. Don't announce your plans until they're almost ready to be implemented. Some people will criticise your secretive ways, but most will be intrigued by them. If you want a high-profile job, stay quiet. The less your rivals know what you are thinking, the better it will be for you.

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A sincere desire to help others prompts you to expand your education. The more practical skills you have, the easier it will be to make meaningful changes. You're a fast learner who can grasp complicated concepts in record time. After taking a crash course, you'll be able to donate valuable skills to a charitable organisation. Thanks to your input, this group will be able to use its limited resources to maximum effect. Don't be surprised if you're given a handsome reward as thanks for your efforts.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Before implementing a big change, ask others for feedback. People who will be directly affected by your proposal will have serious concerns. Take their opinions seriously. With a few minor adjustments, you could hit upon a compromise that satisfies everyone. Although you don't like the idea of going back to the drawing board, you should do so anyway. Clinging stubbornly to your way will cause anger and resentment. It's better to bend than to break, especially where colleagues are concerned.

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