
Thanks to your leadership skills, a business or division that was losing money will become profitable. The secret to your success is an ability to make rational decisions. Instead of being swayed by emotion, you're able to take a detached view of the situation. If this means cutting wasteful spending or dismissing superfluous staff, so be it. Some people will accuse you of being heartless, but they couldn't be further from the truth. You'd rather have the team survive than let it die because of fear.

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Your powerful personality opens doors. People admire your expertise and appreciate the way you share it with others. Instead of looking down on others, you encourage them to acquire the skills you've worked so hard to master. You're not interested in feeling superior; you simply want to empower as many people as possible. If you get an opportunity to teach, give it a try. You'll probably enjoy this role at every level. Best of all, it could allow you to travel on an expense account.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Undergoing a dramatic transformation has been therapeutic. Congratulate yourself for not remaining stuck in a limiting situation. Now you have overcome a bad habit or exited a toxic environment, you can realise your full potential. Think about starting a novel, going back to college or taking up a spiritual practice. Any change that's designed to bring you peace and happiness is strongly advised; this is no time to think small. Out with the old and in with the new.

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With the help of a romantic or business partner, you'll realise a cherished wish. Whether you've always wanted to run your own business, live in the lap of luxury or become an artisan, your goal is within reach. It's simply a matter of focusing like a laser on your dream. When your courage falters, turn to your other half for support. Your loving partner or a trusted colleague will remind you of your impressive leadership skills. They'll also help you laugh at setbacks.

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This is your chance to overhaul your career. If you're not happy with your current line of work, change direction. Opportunities involving property, luxury goods and agriculture are especially promising. Whatever you decide to do, pour your whole heart into it. Your passion will cultivate tremendous success. Are you satisfied with what you're doing? Don't be surprised when you're awarded an impressive promotion, raise or a more responsible position. People really do appreciate your capacity to exhibit grace under pressure.

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Use this opportunity to move forward with a lofty creative project. Finishing a novel, composition, picture or design will fill you with happiness. Your work will gain a loyal following, particularly abroad. The greatest artists are never understood by their kinsman, but always celebrated by people from different countries. A fringe benefit of this work will be a heightened romantic profile. Don't be surprised when you become a hot commodity on the love market. You're never more attractive than when you're exercising your imagination.

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Slowly but surely, you have come to terms with some disappointments from childhood. Moving past these setbacks has been transformative. Instead of feeling like you're struggling uphill, moving towards goals has become effortless. It's simply a matter of believing in yourself, rather than looking to others for affirmation. You're not only smart and creative; you're also highly skilled. Use these gifts to your advantage. Becoming a professional artist, landing a wonderful job or finding the perfect life partner are among the possibilities.

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When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. This is helpful to remember when you're struggling with relationships. If you haven't found love, stop insisting it's impossible to meet anyone suitable. Remember there are billions of people in the world; a good number are terrific matches for you. Are you already in a relationship? It is possible to rediscover the mutual passion that first drew you together. Focus on your amour's many good points, rather than picking on their shortcomings.

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You have a wonderful chance to overhaul your income. If you currently earn a flat salary, seek a job or business opportunity that pays a commission. You'll easily outperform the competition and amass an impressive fortune. It's also possible you'll earn royalties from an invention, app or artistic project. Use these earnings to improve the quality of your daily life. Buy a home or car. Undergo a medical procedure. Move to a more pleasant neighbourhood. Make changes aimed at easing your workload.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your powerful charisma attracts lots of romantic interest. If you're single, you'll have your choice of admirers. Join hearts with someone who shares your values and earthy sense of humour. You'll build a very happy life together. Do you already have a partner? Take this opportunity to go on a luxurious trip with your amour. Visit a country that's known for its natural beauty, as well as it's fabulous restaurants and shops. It's time to indulge yourselves.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have a lovely opportunity to connect with your spiritual side. Instead of looking to the world for inspiration, turn your attention inward. Reflect on the people, activities and ideas that make life meaningful. Devote more time to these relationships, pursuits and thoughts. If this means dropping some time-consuming tasks, so be it. If you're not going to get dragged down by worldly matters, you must work to transcend them. Stop telling yourself there is no time for solitary pleasures that make you feel centred.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have a chance to be an agent for change. People are eager to dispense with limiting beliefs and practices, but lack the courage to do so. Be willing to speak on behalf of progress. You may not realise it, but your opinion means a great deal to colleagues, relatives, friends and neighbours. When they see that you're embracing a new way of doing things, they'll follow suit. Don't be surprised when you're asked to lead a group that's dedicated to updating an outmoded law or institution.

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