
Unspoken fears are preventing you from taking a risk. Usually, you have no problem plunging into unknown territory. Today there's something holding you back from adventure. Perhaps it's fear of looking foolish. Maybe a legal matter is weighing on your heart. Whatever the reason for your reservations, you need to respect it. Why push yourself when you're already on the brink? Treat yourself gently and give yourself a small treat at the end of the day.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Beware of becoming too dependent on a female friend. This woman enjoys babying you, and you revel in her nurturing ways. Unfortunately, all of this pampering has made you soft. It's also caused you to lose sight of your own abilities. When left to your own devices, you can accomplish great things. Push yourself to launch a creative project of some kind. Don't ask anyone else about this effort. Just paint, write, or play music to your heart's content.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You may be restless and unhappy, largely due to your career. If your current industry isn't providing much pleasure, you need to make a change. This could involve a pay cut, but you've never been especially money hungry. Fortunately, you've been blessed with many talents. Just because you've excelled in one field doesn't mean you can't in another. A lover or business partner may be anxious about your decision to quit. Do your best to ease their mind.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're tired of walking the same path, day after day. Still, there's not much opportunity to break your routine. Work demands you finish a project which has spiralled out of control. Keep your nose to the grindstone, even when colleagues try to distract you with juicy bits of gossip. Talking trash about a workmate could come back to haunt you, so be scrupulously polite when conversing with others. Getting to the bottom of a health problem might be difficult.

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Self destructive behaviour worries your nearest and dearest. Courting danger makes you feel alive. Before you put yourself at risk again, consider how your actions could harm innocent victims. A youngster, lover, or parent would be devastated if anything bad happened to you and if it is annoying to be held prisoner by other people's affection, it's better than the alternative. Face it: you love being loved so start taking better care of yourself.

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Being asked to play parent to a close friend or lover is wearing thin. You're tired of bailing them out of trouble and keeping after them about work. After all, you've got your own life to lead! To add insult to injury, this arrangement leaves you emotionally drained. It would be nice if somebody pampered you for a change. This won't happen if you keep contributing to this co dependent dynamic. Force your loved one to take the consequences.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Tension at work is starting to seep into your private life. It's hard to relax at home when you're anxious about your job. Make a greater effort to switch gears or your family, friends, and roommates will pay the price. Jotting down your feelings in a journal can help relieve stress. It can also prevent health problems from setting in. Your mind, body, and spirit are intimately linked. When one area is weak, the other two suffer, too.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A creative block is driving you to distraction. This inability to express yourself freely makes you short tempered. A friend or colleague could be an unwitting victim of your fury. If you lose control, be sure to issue an immediate and sincere apology. There is no excuse for such behaviour. Taking exercise can keep your temper at bay. Choose a brisk aerobic activity like running, racquetball, or squash. The faster you move, the quicker your anger will subside.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Ties to home and family are clouding your logic. You need to be brutally honest about a relative's behaviour. They have a serious problem that merits professional help. If you're the one who is suffering, then don't hesitate to see a doctor. Your actions may embarrass your loved ones, but you can't sacrifice your health for their reputations. Besides, these days, there is no shame in admitting you have a problem.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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No matter how hard you try, you can't make yourself understood by others. It's probably a matter of differing viewpoints. You value tradition more than your audience. Instead of pressing your point, let it go. Adapt yourself to their ways. This will cause a great deal of discomfort at first, but you'll eventually loosen up. One thing is certain: Nobody could accuse you of being a bad sport. You deserve a gold star for your willingness to put others at ease.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The financial security you crave may not be forthcoming. Continue to put money away when and where you can. Although your savings will be meagre at first, they will add up over time. A friend may offer to set you up with a job, but this position is not what it seems. Don't get your hopes up about this opportunity. If the offer does fall through, try not to take out your frustration on your loved one. Her heart was in the right place.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your emotions are very close to the surface, which creates difficulty at work. Someone who likes to poke fun at your dreamy ways could say the wrong thing at precisely the wrong time. Resist the urge to lash out at them or your reputation will suffer. Staying cool in the face of hostility will impress your boss. If it's impossible to keep your temper, explain the situation to your boss. It's time somebody had a word with your tormentor.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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