
Escapist tendencies are keeping you from realising your full potential. Instead of putting off working towards an important goal, get started now. It may not be the most convenient time to embark on a course of study, but so what? By juggling a few things in your schedule, you can seize this opportunity for advancement. It may be necessary to take out a loan to go to college or University or fill out applications for a grant or scholarship. Keep plugging away and don't be blown or tempted off course.

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Beware of a needy friend who is always asking for help. Although you sympathise with their situation, you simply can't pay their bills and run their errands. You have to protect your own interests first. If anyone dares call you selfish for not sharing your resources, defend yourself. You've always been a compassionate person. It gives you great pleasure to help those in need. Being expected to wait on an entitled person who demands special treatment is another story.

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You are filled with doubt about your career goals. A certain path you've been travelling no longer feels rewarding. Unfortunately, a good friend, workmate or romantic partner wants you to maintain the status quo. They are afraid you will lose momentum if you enter a different field. Think about whether this desire for change is rooted in boredom or real unhappiness. If you're bored, you might want to take a similar job at a different company. Are you unhappy? Train for another industry.

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You yearn to get away and explore unfamiliar territory, but circumstances won't permit it. Work obligations and health limitations are keeping you close to home. This won't always be the situation, so keep the faith. In the meantime, you curb your craving for adventure with some armchair travel. Learning a foreign language, watching movies set in exotic lands and listening to music from other countries will be therapeutic. Get into the habit of regular escapes through study and art.

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Face the truth of your financial situation. If you're deeply in arrears, it's time to reverse the problem. Talk to an expert who works in a debt management agency. It can help you consolidate your bills and eliminate the interest rate. Are you with a business or romantic partner who has been irresponsible with funds? The sooner you maintain separate bank accounts, the better. Until they're able to make responsible decisions, you must protect your own interests.

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Your romantic or business partner isn't being respectful of your feelings. It's time to address this situation before it spirals out of control. You have very different needs than those of your friend. As a result, you're bound to require forms of support that seem strange to them. Instead of getting defensive, be honest. Ask them why they can't give you the assistance you want. If they're too stubborn to go out on a limb for you, it may be time to part ways.

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A vague illness that is difficult to diagnose is wearing you down. At times like these, it's important to think positive. This can be done by reading uplifting books, watching optimistic movies and listening to inspiring music. You should also reach out to upbeat people who make you laugh. Stay away from cynical individuals who are always trying to bring the crowd down with grim observations. You will find relief from your problem, but it will take time. That's why it's so important to be good to yourself.

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Falling in love with someone who can't fend for themselves is a mistake. Although you're drawn to their vulnerability, you don't want to become their protector. Such a dynamic will create disappointment, regret and disillusionment. It's better to look for an accomplished person who is looking for companionship instead of rescue. Do you have a partner? It's time to have a serious discussion about finances. If you're with someone who tries to fill an emotional void with shopping, confront the issue now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is not a good time to buy or sell property. What seems like the perfect house could turn out to be a nightmare filled with hassles, hitches and headaches. Similarly, someone who pretends to be flush with cash may not be able to make the deposit. It's better to postpone any major purchases or sales until next month, when you'll be thinking more clearly. This will cause some temporary inconvenience, but that's better than sealing a deal you'll soon regret.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's hard to communicate your feelings clearly. Anxiety about confrontation is causing you to hold back from saying what's in your heart. Although this impulse to protect the feelings of others is admirable, it will get you in trouble. Instead of beating around the bush, be clear about how someone's behaviour is affecting you. Give specific examples of what they have done and how it has caused problems. Don't get drawn into an involved argument. Simply explain why you've been distant. Eventually, the truth will sink in.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Until you are realistic about money, you will continue to struggle. Part of the problem is you are always giving loans to friends. This is allowing some of your loved ones to engage in destructive behaviour. The sooner you cut off these manipulators, the happier you will be. It's also important to make a distinction between what society says you should want and what you actually need. Before making expensive purchases, ask yourself whether you really require the item.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's important to be honest about your professional strengths and weaknesses. If you struggle with a particular area of your job, it's time to correct the problem. Whether this means undergoing counselling to draw healthier boundaries or undergoing management training is up to you. The important thing is to be receptive to constructive criticism. If you continue hearing the same feedback from different people at work, there's a good chance there is some validity to it.

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