
A lack of career opportunities beckons you to make a change. Pour more energy into domestic pursuits. Strengthening relationships with your nearest and dearest will keep anxiety at bay. There will be plenty of time to work hard later, when the job market improves. Take advantage of this lull by planning special outings for the people you love most. Spending quality time together will make you realise how preoccupied you've been with work. It's time to experience life on the other side of the street.

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A legal matter will be decided against you. This will be a bitter pill to swallow. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, make a fresh start. Take a course in a subject that has always fascinated you. Learning about history, art or science will be a welcome diversion. Don't worry if you were turned off by a particular subject when you were in school. This is a totally different situation. Now you're older, you can choose not only what you want to study, but with whom you can learn.

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Getting a refund from an insurance company will be a struggle. A bureaucrat will claim they are not obligated to pay you because of a silly loophole. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer to get the money that is rightfully yours. Stay calm and breathe deep. The threat of a lawsuit may be enough for the company to issue a cheque. If they remain obstinate, dig in your heels. It will take time to recoup this loss, so be patient.

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It's more important to be kind than to be right. The next time you are tempted to correct your best friend or romantic partner, change course. Offer sincere praise for their help, even if their efforts have fallen flat. In situations like these, encouragement can avoid a pointless argument. We all make mistakes. Your compassionate attitude will pave the way for a closer bond. Instead of treating your other half as a rival, you'll form an unbeatable team.

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Worrying doesn't solve anything. If you're anxious about work, adopt a more positive attitude. Envision your dream job. Make a list of all the wonderful things this position involves. Specify who you want to work with and where the company is located. The more detailed your description, the easier it will be to manifest. When you dwell on what you don't want, the Universe will deliver more of the same. That's why it's so important to imagine the best possible outcome.

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A spontaneous person makes you nervous. You feel like anything could happen when you're in their company. This may be a blessing in disguise. You've become too attached to a familiar routine. This is stopping fresh opportunities from entering your life. By hitching your star to an adventurer, exciting changes will occur. You'll be inspired to pursue a relationship, start an art project or take a holiday. You can thank your friend for these improvements. Follow their example; you won't be sorry.

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Establishing a secure foundation will be hard work. The ground is slipping beneath you. Rather than trying to reach higher ground, become more adaptable. Your willingness to move with the times will pay off handsomely. This might mean relocating to another part of the world, getting your own place or breaking away from a toxic living situation. The important thing is to leave unhealthy surroundings as soon as possible. Turn a deaf ear to a relative who wants you to stay put, regardless of the inconvenience.

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Constant complaining will make a bad situation worse. Take a few moments to count your blessings. They are more numerous than you realise. Caring friends and attentive relatives are worth their weight in gold. Lean on them when you feel discouraged. Let your loved ones remind you of how wonderful the world really is. Their positive attitude will push you out of this rut. Soon, you'll see possibilities where you once perceived brick walls. A more rewarding way to earn money will fall into your lap.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't be selfish with resources. People who are struggling to make ends meet are worthy of your help. Donate unused goods to a food pantry or second-hand store. Put cash in an envelope and slip it into someone's mailbox. Run errands for a housebound neighbour who can't afford a car service. When you serve others, your own good fortune will multiply and grow. Are you looking for a job? Buy a homeless person a meal. A golden career opportunity will shortly follow.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Blaming your problems on your upbringing is delaying your progress. There is power in the present moment. By changing course now, you'll overcome many of the setbacks imposed on you during childhood. Contrary to what you've been told or experienced, you have every right to be healthy, wealthy and happy. It's simply a matter of consulting your heart. Trust your impulses to lead you to victory. Nobody else should dictate your choices. Pursue the lifestyle that fills you with excitement.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You feel lonely and isolated. Turning your attention inward will make the situation worse. Getting involved with a charitable organisation will lift your spirits. Not only will you enjoy making the world a better place, but you'll make some great friends. You're drawn to sentimental types who seem comfortable with their feelings. By following their lead, it will be easier for you to share your own emotions. There's nothing wrong with being sad or angry, provided you have a healthy outlet for these sentiments.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't worry too much what other people think. You're flexible and open-minded. The idea of trying something new fills you with excitement. Conventional types don't understand this love of adventure. They're always trying to convince you to maintain the status quo. If you followed their advice, you'd never fulfil your potential. Obey an impulse to pursue a romance or begin a creative project. When you're happy in your personal life, you will become more successful in the professional arena.

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