
The next month is destined to bring several money making opportunities your way. Be prepared to act like lightning. This will be your best chance of increasing your income for the entire year. Investments related to art, gems, banking, and farming are highly favoured. If you're looking for a job, put in applications to businesses that deal with luxury goods, textiles, and cosmetics. A high paying position will lend welcome stability to your life. Even an adventurer like you needs a firm foundation.

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Your leadership abilities will be at an all time high between now and late May. Spend this golden period advancing your financial, emotional, and creative interests. People who once opposed you may suddenly give way to your ideas. If you continue to meet resistance, keep pushing forward. Virtually nobody can resist you right now. Your star power is bound to attract lots of romantic attention. If you are single, you'll have your pick of admirers. Married? Your spouse will be putty in your hands.

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An uncharacteristic craving for peace and quiet will prompt you to keep a low profile for the next four weeks. Maybe you sense this will be your last chance to relax before work responsibilities pick up. Perhaps you're exhausted from a long bout of partying. Ultimately, the reasons for your subdued behaviour don't matter. Spend this time catching up on reading, correspondence, and creative writing. This is a good opportunity to bring your diary up to date.

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Creating something for the benefit of others gives you a real sense of pride. Whether you're raising money for humanitarian aid, organising a playgroup for kids, or building houses for the homeless is immaterial. The important thing is to choose an activity that speaks to your heart. You're a natural born leader, but many people don't realise this, given your shy demeanour. When you get involved with a project like this your strength and wisdom shine through.

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You've always loved the spotlight, which is why the next month should be especially enjoyable. All eyes will be on you, so be sure to take extra pains with your appearance. Your dazzling looks will gain you entry into all sorts of exalted circles. If you've been yearning for a promotion, now is the time to make your move. Schedule a meeting with your boss to talk about your prospects. Be ready to list your accomplishments in detail.

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Expanding your horizons will be your first order of business from now until late May. Be sure to take a respected friend's reading recommendation. This book or article could make a radical difference to your life. You may even be inspired to write a book of your own. Learning a language is also among the possibilities. So is travelling to another country. If you're feeling bored and restless, try something new.

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Your sex appeal is red hot, so why not take advantage of it? Whisper soft, encouraging words into your lover's ear. Cast flirtatious glances at the cutie who works next to your office. Give a confidential wink to a bureaucrat who can cut through red tape. Obstacles that once blocked your path could magically disappear. This is also a good time to deal with financial matters like taxes, insurance and wills. Don't hesitate to ask difficult questions.

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Two heads are better than one right now, so don't try to do business alone. Teaming up with a person who is known for their no nonsense attitude will benefit you both. This person is wonderful at taking care of practical matters, while you're good at digging beneath the surface and although the two of you will get on each other's nerves at times, you will come to appreciate your respective strengths. The next four weeks are great for getting engaged or married.

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It's important to draw attention to your hard work somebody else could try to take credit for your accomplishments. Part of the problem rests with your laid back attitude. When people see how calm and relaxed you are, they assume you're lazy, but nothing could be farther from the truth. It's time to change public opinion, and there's no better way than showing off the fruits of your labour and announcing your achievements.

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Even a workhorse like you needs a break. Spend the next four weeks having fun. Throw a party for your friends, go away on a holiday, and put your job on the back burner. This would be a wonderful time to resume an abandoned craft project. If you're looking for love, you could meet someone special at a garden centre, gourmet grocery shop, or art gallery. Have an opening line ready so you won't fall victim to shyness.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you've been thinking of moving or buying a home, try to do so within the next four weeks. A diligent search may result in a beautiful abode surrounded by greenery. Even if you're a die hard city lover, there's likely to be a beautiful park or garden near this property. In the event you are going to stay put, you may decide to spend much more time with your family right now. Their love and support give life a decided sweetness.

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An advertising campaign or website could yield impressive results between now and late May. If you have inventive ideas and creative plans share them with the public now. Your work could yield a handsome profit. This is also a good time to visit nearby friends, catch up on email, and call people you've been longing to speak to. It's important to attend to those ties that bind. A sibling or neighbour may need your emotional support.

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