
Try not to lord your opinions over others; this is especially true when dealing with young people. Think back to when you were their age. Did you respond well when adults told you what to think? If you really want to have an impact, lead by example. Don't grandstand. The more quiet and understated your approach, the more powerful it will be. If one of your friends is interested in a subject you find distasteful, remain silent or you'll just add fuel to their fire.

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An obsession with a love interest could cause you to lose sight of your values. Resist the urge to do something immoral as a means to express your devotion or your relationship will be compromised. Your amour will admire you much more if you stand by your principles in the face of temptation. Take care to pay back a loan, even if you do it in small increments. It's important to show people you have every intention of repaying this debt.

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A strong willed partner is trying to get you to do things their way and you resent being bossed about. It may be necessary to contradict your partner in public. Although you don't like causing people embarrassment, this may be the only way you can get your tormentor to back off. Your confidence has been badly bruised by this relationship dynamic. Things have to change, and soon. If they don't, you'll keep your partner, but lose your self respect.

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Being overbearing to salespeople, waiters, and hired help will make you look boorish. Try putting yourself in their shoes. Although they want to do their best, circumstances could prevent it. Don't fly off the handle if they run out of supplies or don't move as quickly as you'd like. If you've had trouble finding good employees, it may be because your standards are too high. Be realistic. People will be more likely to work hard for you if you treat them with respect.

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Youngsters may be strong willed and hard to control and it's up to you to exert some authority. Letting them run wild in shops may fine with you, but it's a headache for everyone else. Besides, it sets up your young friends for terrible disappointment. Once they become adults, they'll have difficulty adhering to rules. Do you really want to make it difficult for them to finish school and get jobs? If not, you've got to teach them discipline.

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You feel deeply rooted to your home, which can cause problems for you down the line. It's not realistic to stay chained to the same spot. At some point, you will have to travel for business or pleasure. Such journeys will become excruciating if you don't adopt a more flexible attitude. Be more willing to go out with friends. Stop insisting on staying in with your lover. Get into the habit of visiting friends. The comforts of home will seem sweeter when you return.

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Controversial opinions could get you in trouble with the powers that be. You've always been suspicious of so called experts, but openly showing your contempt will backfire. People will be annoyed by your irreverent attitude and they'll give you the elbow if you carry on behaving badly. Try seeing things from their point of view. It is an honour to be with someone who knows so much. Even you have to admit they've worked hard to get where they are.

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Money isn't everything, despite what popular culture says. Resist the temptation to take a high paying job which conflicts with your principles. You'll be much happier with a modest position that speaks to your soul. Onlookers will think you're crazy for taking the honourable route. It looks as though you're turning your back on a fortune. Actually, you're saving yourself a lot of grief and heartache. Acting against your best instincts will only get you down in the long run.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Normally, you're quite forthcoming, but today you prefer to be secretive. It feels threatening when somebody asks probing questions. Resist the urge to look down on them; they're just trying to get to know you better. This reluctance to become intimate could be causing great pain. Although you're a very capable person, you need companionship to thrive. Cutting yourself off from close relationships will prevent you from realising your full potential.

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Devising schemes to make an enemy look bad is a mistake. You don't want to be exposed as a manipulator. Even if your activities are never discovered, you'll still suffer from their consequences. You're too fair and honest to engage in underhanded behaviour. It doesn't matter what they have done to wrong you. The simple fact is, you can't bear to sink to their level. Find a healthy outlet for your anger, like hiking, biking, or jogging.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Just because everybody else is breaking the rules doesn't mean you should. Keep your activities above board, or your professional reputation will be compromised. You have a lot more to lose than everybody else. After all, you're the most capable member of the group. If you get fired or dismissed, it will be very hard to find another position. This would require you to take work that is beneath you. Doing things by the book will be best for you now.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Big changes are happening on the career front. It's so frustrating to sit back and watch jobs disappear. Although you have no control over this situation, you can do things to improve future prospects. You've been blessed with many different talents. Switching industries will take a little effort, but it can be done. You may have to take a pay cut at first but eventually you'll rise to the top of your field, earning a very respectable salary.

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