
People treat you like you're an authority on a certain subject. While you enjoy filling in the gaps of their knowledge, you sometimes wonder if you can ever get paid for your expertise. Writing a 'How To' book or an instruction manual will be a great way to profit from your extensive knowledge. You can also create demonstration videos and sell them to people who are trying to improve their skills. Think outside the box. Use social media to spread the word of your service.

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Going on a spiritual pilgrimage fills you with excitement. Although you love your life, you want to dedicate your time to something that helps you transcend mundane reality. Visiting a place that has always evoked wonder and hope is strongly advised. If you are short of funds, think about going on a group tour. This will be a great way to get discounted hotel accommodation and meals. Set the plan in motion now instead of putting it off for yet another day.

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Be totally ethical in your business practices. The temptation to cut corners will be strong, but you should play by the rules. There is a good reason a set of procedures has been put into place. If someone complains about how long it is taking for you to finish a job, explain you are following a set of standards. When people realise you won't grant special favours, they'll look for another victim to do their bidding. It's your job to protect your integrity.

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Your best friend or romantic partner will appreciate your support. Although they may not be forthcoming about their troubles, you always sense when they are struggling. Take this opportunity to do something kind on their behalf. This could be anything from running a dreaded chore, giving them a silly gift or leaving an encouraging note on their desk. Choose a gesture that will have an emotional impact. We all feel the need to be loved. Some of us are better about asking for it than others.

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Having a routine keeps anxiety at bay. Set your alarm clock so you have enough time to enjoy a solitary cup of coffee before getting started. Take a pleasant walk on your lunch hour. Unwind at the end of the day in a scented bath. By scheduling regular breaks, you'll become more productive. Work will seem less like an endless prison sentence when you have something nice planned. Taking control of your daily routine will cause your confidence to soar.

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Developing your creative talent will be enjoyable. It's important to devote some of your time each day to writing, handicrafts or other artistic pursuits. Focusing too much on work leads to burnout. You have a vivid imagination that demands expression. If you've always wanted to knit, make furniture or paint, you should sign up for a class. Having homework assignments and project deadlines will make you disciplined about this hobby. If you're looking for love, there is a good chance you will find it with one of your peers.

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Family responsibilities command your attention. Instead of going out and socialising, spend quality time at home with a relative. Learning about their hopes and fears will give you a better handle on what they need. Some people want practical assistance while others desire moral support. Your thoughtful approach to this relationship will make it stronger. You're tired of feeling like you're talking at cross purposes. Be quiet, listen carefully and you will gain a better understanding of your loved one.

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Think carefully before you speak. Someone who asks for your opinion secretly wants you to affirm their ideas. When they discover you are not on their team, they will turn against you. It's better to give noncommittal responses or pretend not to know enough about the issue to comment. Maintaining a friendly relationship with a powerful individual will be helpful. You'll need their support sooner than you think, so take a neutral tone. Share your true feelings with a trusted friend.

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Be practical with your money. This isn't a good time to splash out on luxuries. Stocking up on essentials will serve you better. Take advantage of sales on items you use regularly. Having a supply of these things will ease your financial burdens later. Your frugal behaviour sets a good example for your family. Learning to live on less is one of the most valuable skills you can teach. Save lavish gifts for special occasions, like birthdays, graduations and anniversaries.

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You're determined to have something to show for your hard work. Developing expertise in a growing field will result in a raise, promotion or high powered job. You will enjoy studying with a demanding teacher who isn't satisfied with mediocre work. Take this opportunity to learn a foreign language, master a computer code or get a management certificate. You're not a fast learner, but when you comprehend a lesson, you will never forget it. If you're asked to go on a business trip, accept.

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Putting money away for a rainy day gives you a sense of security. You're very independent. Being able to start your own business or retire early will bring out the best in you. Every time you have a choice between making a frivolous purchase and saving cash, choose the latter. You can still indulge your sensual side with luxury purchases that give long term fulfilment. When it comes to daily expenses, do your best to keep your hard earned cash.

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Spending time with your friends will lift your spirits. Recently, you've been devoting lots of energy to helping others. As a result, you feel tired and demoralised. Your nearest and dearest will be happy to cheer you up. Get together for some mindless entertainment. Watch a movie, go to an antique fair or play cards together. Don't let your low spirits keep you from going out. Isolating yourself from the crowd is the worst thing you could do.

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